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I had clearly pissed Tatsumaki off. The power radiating off of her was far beyond my comprehension. The only things I had for me was that she couldn't hold me in place since I was also an esper. The pressure her power was giving off was almost halting all of them the air around us. Her power was almost shaking the entire city. The force exerting from her body was almost pushing me back. I couldn't be more excited. This was the number two hero. She was the strongest esper.

"You're going to regret every speaking to me." She growled. I then jumped towards her. She raised her arm. I felt her try to freeze me in place, but my esper aura prevented it. She was instantly surprised and barely dodged my first attack. She immediately turned back to me as a red aura surrounded me and I rose into the air.

"You're like me?" She asked, astonished. I just smirked at her. I began to raise the rubble around me into the air.

"I'm prepared to see the insurmountable power of the great Terrible Tornado." I laughed. She immediately raised her hand and used all of the floating rubble I had and smashed them into me. The rubble turned into a large ball of rock and cement. I blew all of the debris away from me, revealing a red shield around me. "I know you can do better than that." A large cloud of dust began to surround us. Every particle of dust had a lime green outline. It was almost like a tornado... very fitting. I chuckled and flew into the air.

I then noticed that the dust has clouded my vision. There were whole building floating in the air, waiting to be thrown at me. One then broke into a hundred pieces and flew towards me. I quickly tried flying through the city to avoid them. They moved at such an incredible speed. She was far faster than Orochi was when I fought him. I looked back and saw an enormous tornado of dust and rubble about a half mile away. There was a bright green light coming from the center, indicating the location of Tastumaki.

"If I can just get close to her, this fight is over." I told myself as a piece of rubble barely missed me, lodging itself deep in the concrete. I continued flying away, but so turned towards Tatsumaki. I saw a piece of rubble flying towards me. I was able to stop it in the air. Her power must've been weakened on that one because of the amount of objects she using. I then hurled it back at her. It made it about forty yards before being completely destroyed to atoms. She threw countless more large chunks of rubble at me.

No civilians were hurt since nearly every person saw the tornado and made a run for it. I reached a street with a group of people huddled up. Some were also trying to push into a hospital. For some reason, I panicked and turned back towards Tatsumaki. I slammed my fist into the oncoming rubble. It did everything I could to make sure the civilians weren't hurt. I just learned that I wanted to hurt the heroes, but I didn't want to hurt anyone else. I then unleashed my powers and did everything I could to hold it back. I was getting a little tense, which wasn't a good sign.

I then threw the fifteen or so pieces of rubble I caught back at Tatsumaki. The rubble was destroyed after a few seconds, but I shot towards her, using the rubble as cover.

After the rock in front of me was destroyed, I made one last effort to reach her. She noticed and fired countless sharp rocks at me. I tore through my skin and body, but I pressed on. I the slammed fist into her stomach. She must've found a weakness in the esper protection as my hand immediately snapped into a few pieces the moment I punched her. Blood shot out of her mouth as she flew backwards. I looked at my hand, which dropped with a odd color of red for blood. It was almost black.

I shot towards the ground to find Tatsumaki. I looked around for her. I tried feeling for any trace of esper energy... and I got it. I shot into one of the buildings through a window. I began to look around for her. My esper sending abilities were very rudimentary, so I only had a vague area of where she would be. I knew she was inside, trying to go in for a sneak attack. I tried hearing for any creak, but she was probably flying, so she wasn't making any noise. There was not a single sound, except for my faint footsteps.

I then heard a small click from the room to my left. I slammed through the wall into the room. Three dozen pencils sliced right through my body simultaneously as I saw Tatsumaki in the room. She then began to close her hand the walls around me crushed me into a ball. I then felt the building fall and break. I then felt tons of rubble on me. The pencils distracted me from putting a shield.

I exploded my esper powers, destroying the rubble surrounding me. The dark blood was dripping down my face. I could tell my healing was slightly strained as my wounds were taking slightly longer to heal. My hand had mostly healed. Tatsumaki wasn't much better. Blood dropped from her nose and mouth. She also had a few cuts on her clothing with dark red spots outlining them. There was also a slightly thick stream of blood dripping down the right side of her face. She wiped her nose and growled.

"I don't think you can comprehend how much I'm going to enjoy killing you." She smiled sinisterly at me. I saw that most of the people had gotten into the nearby hospital. I flew up to her and tried throwing a punch. She dodged and fired some rubble at me. I picked up my own and quickly blocked the rubble.

She began picking up rubble and crushing it into shards. The crushed rubble began to swirl around her like a tornado again. I couldn't get near her without tons of them lodging themselves into my body. She then began firing them at me at a rapid pace. I did my best to dodge them, but they were moving just too fast. A few stuck themselves into my body.

I then saw a large piece of rubble slam into me, sending me flying. I slammed into a building. I looked around them room to see where I was. I saw... her. They must've been trying to get everyone to safety, but they hadn't reached her room yet. I couldn't face her. I couldn't face Hailey. I stopped in my tracks. She looked much more lively since I last saw her, but she still curled up into a ball in fear on her bed. Why did it have to be this hospital?

"Stay away!" She squealed. I couldn't have felt worse about what I had done to her. I betrayed her. I wanted to go over to her and hug her. I wanted her to feel better, but I couldn't let her find out who I was now. I wasn't ready for anything like this. I couldn't be a real monster. I'd always care for someone.

I panicked and jumped out of the building and began flying as fast as I could away from Tatsumaki. Shards of rock lodged themselves into my body, but I didn't care. I looked at my hand, and my red sling began to roll off of my body like blood. I saw a large forest in the distance. I had to get there. The shards began to really hurt. My healing was almost nonexistent. I reached the trees, but a large rock slammed into me. My back fell against a tree of the forest. The tree were enormous, and the forest was almost never-ending. I tried to punch through the broken bones and stab wounds, but then a large spike of rock stabbed me through the left side of my gut.

I squealed and screamed in pain. Any sort of monster healing and pain relieving was gone. Blood spurted out of my mouth. The red sling was still slipping off of my body, so my human form wasn't shown. Blood dropped from my nose as I was pinned to the tree. Tatsumaki began to slowly fly towards me. Tears began to drip down my face.

"I'm such a fucking moron." I cursed myself. My powers were too weak to take the spike out. I was going to die. Tatsumaki got about two feet in front of me. I looked down and saw we were at the top of the tree with about twenty feet to the ground.

"I guess you realize the situation now, you scum." She smirked at me. I tried covering my face the best I could, but the tears were eventually seen. "And now you're crying? You're a baby too?" I lowered the hands I used to cover my face and looked at her. Streams of wetness making trails through the dirt and blood on my face.

"I betrayed the one person I truly cared about." I croaked out. Her stern expressing failed to change. "If you're going to kill me, please do it quickly. I can't handle living with my mistakes. I became a monster because of my own, selfish desires. I was so close-minded. I had so many opportunities to do good, but I let the easiest things control me." I looked her right in the eyes. "I let the monsterification take control of my mind and make me do the worst thing in my mind... betray. So please... kill me." I stopped any form of struggling and hung my head.

I saw Tatsumaki rose a spike of rock to my head, and I began to think of Hailey. "I'll see you again, you crazy girl." I chuckled at my words, but Tatsumaki gasped. I looked up. Her movements were frozen and her eyes were wide. She dropped the spike quickly and pulled the spike out of me. I screamed in pain as it pulled out. I then fell down to the ground. The last thing I heard before losing consciousness was Tatsumaki saying,

"Why'd I stop?" I then saw her fly away from me as I landed on the forest floor, unconscious.

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