Another Round

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"I know what you are, you son of a bitch!" Moya snarled at me. "I can't let that bitch go on any further! She's going to destroy us all!"

"What are you talking about?!" Jacob cried.

"You fucking naive brats!" She cursed. "Because of you two continuing to breathe, I have to kill you!"

"No, you don't!" I yelled.

"I have a mission!" She barked. "I have to complete it." I saw a singular tear run down her eye as she looked at me. "You must die now." She quickly shot towards me, but Jacob was able to quickly intercept and pushed her off towards a nearby plateau. I quickly followed and slammed a powerful punch to her face, sending her rocketing into the rock wall. Jacob flew after her, but I stayed back and began to gather rocks into the air. I also began to speed up the wind, and the dirt began to twirl around in the air.

Just then, the entire plateau exploded in a massive force of esper energy. Jacob and Moya traded blows, and that's when I fired the first rock at Moya. It moved at a speed that I could barely see, but I saw it get a direct hit. Jacob checked out the boulder before it suddenly exploded, and Moya shot her own force of wind at me, which threw me off-guard. I crushed the boulders and rapidly shot then towards her. Jacob jumped out of the way, but Moya was in hot pursuit.


I saw Moya reaching for my leg and succeeding in grabbing it. The sharp rocks quickly approached, so I had no choice but to put up a shield that blocked the rocks from hitting both of us. Moya clawed at my legs like a rabid animal before I kicked her off. A gust of wind from Dad blasted her backwards. I raised my hand and tried to keep her still so Dad could get a few solid hits.

The enormous tense feeling returned as Moya fought back against me. I dug my feet into the rock below me and kept my stance. I wasn't gonna let her go. Just then, Miya's eyes turned a bright orange and both Dad and I were blown away, and the plateau was nearly disintegrated. An aura of fire surrounded Moya as she slowly rose into the air. The matter around her almost seemed to disintegrate from the heat emanating from her body. She raised her hand towards me, and a loud crackle shit through the air before a beam of orange electricity shot towards me. I was able to dodge it, but the force still shot me away.

I slowly pushed myself up, and I saw Dad trying to go one-on-one with Moya. Whatever state she was in now, I doubt my esper abilities could do much. I punched the ground at my weakness. Dad said I was strong, but I still haven't felt anything like that. I've done nothing but be a burden for Dad. I gritted my teeth and felt a new wind flow through me. The energy inside me began to overflow and burn like a raging fire. The pain became so great that I screamed in pain. My vision turned purple and a purple twister surrounded me. The color was so intense that I couldn't see anything besides it.


The purple storm that surrounded Jacob formed a large ball around him before forming into a beam and shifting straight at Moya. She quickly responded with a blast of her own. The force shot me backwards. I tried getting on my feet, but the wind was making it quite difficult. The combination of orange and purple nearly blinded me. There wasn't anything I could do to stop this intense amount of energy. I could only watch. It got even more terrifying at the fact that I didn't want one to win because that would mean I would lose the other.

The feeling I thought was long gone returned. Warmth filled my body as my aura changed color again. Another word sat in my mind:

"Determination." I told myself. My aura became a bright aqua color, and I flew into the center of the collision. My body felt nothing. Only the goal, which was to stop this. I raised my arms against the two sides and let out a loud scream. The blasts exploded into a rain of color. Both Jacob and Moya then collapsed to the floor.

I let out a loud sigh as the aqua aura disappeared, and I fell to my knees and into unconsciousness.


"Wake up, idiot." A voice told me, which jerked me up. I saw me lying against a wall in the same area I lost consciousness. Tatsumaki stood in front of me, arms crossed and floating just above the ground.

"What?" I asked.

"That was quite a display there earlier." She chuckled. "I was almost impressed."

"Is there any reason you're here besides to berate me?" I groaned as I sat up.

"I'm getting tired of cleaning up your messes, and I want to know who that woman over there is." She pointed over at Moya.

"That's not your business." I told her as I stood up. I began walking over to Moya.

"That's the wrong answer!" She yelled.

"But it's the one I'm going with." I replied.

"Well, come up with a different one right now!"

"No." I put Jacob on my back and lifted Moya up with what little power I had left. Tatsumaki then froze her in mid-air.

"Tell me!" She borderline-whined. "I've seen this bitch before!" My eyes widened at that. Did she know who Moya was?

"Follow me." I told her. "Come back to my house, and we'll talk." She reluctantly agreed and let Moya free.

When I got home, I placed Jacob on the bed and Moya next to it.

"How do you know her?" I asked Tatsumaki.

"I don't know." Tatsumaki sighed, almost disgusted by the mess of the apartment. "I just know that face." She bent over and touched Moya's cheek.

"Well, then that's all you need to know."

"Not so fast, kid." She sneered. "It's not like I'm going to just let you hold her here."

"Listen, unless you have something to share, you can leave at any time."

"Fine, God." She sighed. "I remember back when you just became a hero when she came up to me, which pissed me off. But she then asked who Kazan looked like before walking away. That's it. I thought there was more but that's it."

"T-Tatsumaki?!" Moya yelped as she woke up. She then wrapped her in an enormous hug before crying. "Oh, God, I haven't seen you in forever!"

"Get the hell off me!" Tatsumaki roared as the ground shook and her eyes glowed a bright green. "When did you see me?"

Moya's smile disappeared as she said, "I don't remember."

"God damnit." I muttered. "Back where we started."

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