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It's not fair. I was stuck at home, waiting, staring, breathing. I counted the breaths. Dad was at the Association, getting praised. We had some short pep talk with another A-Class, but I spaced out through the entire thing. A-Class is still good, but... I was better than that. I knew it. Dad knew it. I wasted my one chance to show that I can be the best of the best from the start.

I sat on my bed, watching a black screen on the television. It may not seem like a big deal to some people... but it was bigger than life to me. I thought that I was strong my entire life. However, that was disproved when Dad showed a strange power. Then once again with Tatsumaki. Then finally, with the Hero Exam. I'm not even close to the strongest. Not only am I not worthy to be an S-Class in the eyes of the Association, but I am also seen as the lowest A-Class to the whole public. I'm not even close to strong anymore. I looked at the white walls around me.

"I-I have to go." I told myself. I slid open the door to the outside porch and flew off. I had to leave. I needed to get stronger somehow.


It was finally over. It was a very late night. I had one last meeting with a suit. It was the guy with the short, black beard from the meeting before learning my ranking. I was worried about Jacob. I hadn't heard a thing from him since the rankings. I'll need to talk to him when I get home. I took a seat at the other side of his desk.

"What can I help you with?" I asked.

"I've been told that you and your son have esper powers." He started.

"That's correct." I quickly answered.

"Since you're now in S-Class, I want you to get to know someone with similar skill." He explained. I immediately knew what this meant.

"You want me to get to know Tatsumaki?" I asked for clarification.

"That's correct." He answered.

"You already know how she is." I explained. "She isn't the most open of people."

"Yes, I know." He sighed. "But... I believe someone with esper powers could get through to her." I leaned back in the leather chair.

"Fine." I sighed as I ran my fingers through my dark hair. "Where do I meet her?"

"The restaurant just to the right of three building." He answered.

"Ok." I sighed again as I stood up.

I took a seat at the table next to the window at the small café. I was messing around with the new phone the Association gave me. I had asked them if they could give Jacob one, and they said they would think about it. The bright lights within the café contrasted the pitch blackness of the outside. There were only four other people in the café, including the person behind the desk. She had come up to me to ask if I wanted anything, but I told her I was just meeting someone.

After waiting a few minutes, the front door to the café chimed open. I looked back and saw a small figure with a black jacket with the hood over their head. I could see the bright green eyes shine through the darkness under the hood. They showed exactly what I expected. Unrelenting hatred. She mumbled something under her breath and slumped down in the leather seat across from me. She then folded her arms across her small torso. We just stared at each other. I then decided to break the silence.

"Nice to see you again." I said with a forced smile. She just snarled in response.

"It was a mistake for you and your brat to become heroes." She grumbled.

"Why is that?" I asked in a innocent, yet mocking, tone.

"Because now you have to deal with me." She answered.

Third Side of the Esper Hero TriangleWhere stories live. Discover now