God Level?

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"Are you even trying?!" Moya yelled as she knocked me to the ground again. We'd been practicing with our powers, and she's overpowering me a little bit. "Get up! Is it not yet obvious that getting into Class S means jack shit?! Get up!" I pushed myself up onto my feet. It would've been much easier with Jacob there, but he still wanted a little more time to himself.

"How is being in Class S nothing?" I asked.

"Of course someone with your abilities would be seen as an obvious S Class, but in the long run, you wouldn't be able to handle even a dragon-level threat!" Moya explained. "Until you can overpower me with your esper abilities, you're nothing but a C Class in my eyes! Your martial arts abilities won't be able to carry you in every situation like it did with mine! If you don't get stronger, you will die!" I nodded and wiped the blood from my nose. I looked at Moya as her fiery orange aura engulfed her. She began to rise into the air. "Come at me!" I shot towards her, pulling many rocks out of the ground. I fired them all at her in a whirlwind motion.

She began to quickly push it back. I dodged the rocks and pulled a rock out of the side of a plateau with my powers. I fired it at her, but she grabbed it with her powers and crushed it to dust. Blood was dripping out of my forehead. I was running on fumes. I looked at Moya and saw that she was able to create a monstrous amount of sharp rocks, all ready to be thrown at me. She then did just that.

I was too tired to try and dodge, there was no way that I could stop all of them at that speed all at once. Then...

"Danger." I said as an explosive red aura surrounded me. The rocks all disintegrated into thin air. My senses sharpened to another level. I could hear every gust of air around me. I could feel everything. I looked over at Moya... and saw something strange. Fear filled her face. Did she know what this was? She began to shake and... cry? My power then shut off, and I fell towards the ground. I guess I didn't just feel danger anymore. I was able to slow myself down before lightly landing on the rocky ground.

Moya slowly lowered down to the ground and stood in front of me. Tears stained her freckled-face.

"It's been so long." She said quietly.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Did your emotions cause that?" She asked.

"I... I think so." I answered. She gave a very small smile.

"That... is something I did not expect." She said. She wiped her eyes and went back to her stern expression. "Let's go back for today." She began to fly off.

"Wait!" I called out as I flew up to her level. She looked back at me. "Why did you react that way?"

"That is none of your business." She retorted. "Let's get back to the apartment."

"Fine." I sighed. I felt a small jolt of esper energy in the woods, but it quickly disappeared before I could locate it. "That was weird."

We flew in through the window to the apartment, seeing Jacob sleeping on the bed. I went into the bathroom and grabbed a towel to wipe my face off. I then heard a vibrating come from the living room.

"What the hell is that?" I asked, quietly. Moya used her powers to lift an object off of the dinner table and launched it at me. I fumbled the object before getting a solid hold on it. "Forgot I had this." I held a phone that the Hero Association had given me when I became a licensed hero. Jacob didn't get one because of his age or something. It was a message from Master Bang. He wanted me to meet him at his dojo.

"Who is it?" Moya asked as she sat at the dinner table.

"A friend." I answered. "I'll be out for a little bit."

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