Chapter 1

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"Hey, you ok? The guys are ready to grab something to eat nearby " Tim asked as he sat beside me.

I immediately closed the laptop, I couldn't tell him, not yet. Our relationship was still new, I was unsure if this side of me would scare him off.  "Yeah, give me a second to wash up".

"Babe, you really ok? You've been kind of withdrawn lately. Have I done something to upset you" he asked placing his hand upon my knee.

Closing the laptop, I pushed it aside, "No absolutely not" I told him sliding my hand alongside his face. He leaned into it, his eyes closed with a slight smile. I lightly brushed my lips against his and whispered I love you.

"Mmm, I love you too. I can't wait till we get to the next town where we can have a few days alone together off this bus" he said while moving his hand up my thigh.

"If we don't stop now two things will happen" I began as he chuckled in that low sensual tone. "The guys will find out about us before we're ready to tell them and you'll be miserable if we don't get you fed"

"Ok, ok you can't blame a guy for tryin, let's get a move on" he stated smacking my ass as I stood to leave.

Walking towards the rental car I still couldn't seem to get out of my own head. Why now, after everything else, why did I have to be feeling like this. It had been months since I felt consumed by these thoughts and images. Tim and I had finally confessed our love for one another, Jenika was out of the picture, our future looked brighter than it ever had and then Bam, a downward spiral. I can't do this right now. Maybe a few drinks would help.

Walking into the tavern everyone head to the bar to grab drinks while the waitress set up enough tables to accommodate everyone. The size of their entourage seemed to be growing rapidly as they booked bigger venues requiring employing several more people to set up the stage, lighting and sound equipment along with increased merchandise that Nate handled.

Once the tables were ready in a side room from the bar everyone made their way in. Despite the others scattered about one thing was always constant, the group of five always sat together. Adam some how always ended up at the head of the table, a position Austin once joked about as being for the mafia boss only. Rob would usually sit on his left with Chance next to him. Tim would usually sit to his right next to Austin. Over the past few weeks the seating slightly changed with Tim and Chance now side by side, a change that had not gone unnoticed by the others. Rob figured it was due to Chance helping Tim through his recovery from the assault. Austin felt a bit slighted, he and Tim had always been the closest since first joining the group. He thought it may have been over his break up with Olena knowing Tim was disappointed in how he handled it. But not Adam, he knew all along the connection between the two and now he impatiently waited for them to tell the others.

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