Chapter 31

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Rereading the now tattered note that had arrived soon after being incarcerated brought a smile to their face once again.

"Could this be true? Could someone be helping to make him pay for all he's done" they thought as the words resonated through their thoughts :

     You don't know me or perhaps you may.  I know what you have lost and he needs to pay. He took from me what was truly mine only to leave me helplessly behind. Worry not for the day is soon, he will pay the night of the full moon.

As the guard walked through checking each cell they stuffed the letter back inside the seam of the pillow. Sitting in the corner of their cot, knees pulled up, listening as the cell doors locked, they envisioned when their freedom would soon return and regain what was rightfully theirs.

Checking over and over again, ensuring precisely when, where and how to implement the plan consumed his every waking hour. His goons would carry out the dirty work as he set back directing from an undisclosed location, keeping his distance, slowly putting the plan into action was the key in the payback for all the agony he'd put him through. It would not come swiftly, it would be slow, methodical and just as painful if not more so of what he himself had been through.

The ringing of the phone brought him out of the thoughts that ravaged his mind. "Hello....really, well that sweetens the pot even more....No, hang back and gather as much as you can..." he advised the caller before hanging up.

"Filthy bastard, so much for his religious upbringing. Oh the vile, disgusting things he must have committed then. Mark my words, he will pay, oh how he will pay for what he's done" he stated aloud as he continued tweaking his plan.

"Hey Darlin, what's up" Bobby stated as he answered the call from Emily.

"Just thought I'd call to see if you knew what was going on downtown" she told him.

"What are you talking about, I'm in my office, I haven't heard of anything" he nonchalantly replied flipping through a file on his desk.

"Some sort of incident or something.  I guess someone walked out into the street, cars wrecked. I don't know that's why I called thought you might know" she replied.

"How long ago?" he asked picking up his keys.

"Within last 10 to 15 mins. Someone dropping off donations mentioned it to us so I figured who would know more but you" she told him.

"Let me go hun so I can check into this. I'll see you at home, love you" he quickly responded.

"Love you..too" Emily replied as he hung up the phone.

Quickly running to his car he hoped what he was thinking was not reality. The time frame from when Chance and Tim left was exactly as what Emily mentioned. They both left upset, one more so than the other, he had to find them.

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