Chapter 25

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Five brothers sat around the open fire. Lives that had changed, some drastically, over the past few months now gathered as one supportive unit staring intently at the flickering flames.

"How long have you known" Austin finally asked breaking the deafening silence.

"Since I was a kid, really" Tim answered quietly.

"You've kept this secret all these years, even from Caroline?" he continued.

"Yes, I ..I just pushed it so far back, believing what my father had said, how wrong it was, how.." Tim's voice cracked now and again as he trailed off.

Chance reached over taking Tim's hand in his, squeezing it gently to reassure him. Austin was confused by the gesture at first before he finally asked, " are like..ummm..together".

" just sort of happened. Neither of us planned it or anything, we just had this connection" Tim replied looking at his feet.

"It's been obvious almost since day one" Adam added.

"You knew?" Austin asked surprised.

"Not at first, not until Chance left without telling any of us and we combed the shoreline looking for him on the rock ledge. Tim's reaction and concern was much more than that of a friend, a brother. That's when I knew" Adam replied.

Chance watched Tim as each of the others commented on his revelation of who he truly was. The look in his lover's eyes filled with fear and uncertainty tore at him "maybe we shouldn't have told them everything at once" he thought to himself as the air fell silent again.

"Tim, I think you've been through more than enough heartache. I don't know of anyone who could have endured all that you have and still survive. If your relationship with Chance brings you happiness, well then it's meant to be and I for one will support both of you" Rob expressed wiping his glasses.

"Same here" Adam added.

"What about you, Red?" Tim asked turning towards Austin.

"I ain't gonna lie, it's alot to take in, to process, ya know" Austin replied pushing his hands through his hair. "I mean, I get it...the whole bisexual thing...hell I have friends that are''s just going to take me a bit to get used two... a couple when all we've ever known you as are brothers".

"We're still your brothers, Austin. That will never change for any of you" Chance told him.

Tim looked at Austin, "are we good, and me?" he asked.

"'re my big brother, have been since day one. You don't throw away family because y'all are different. Life would be boring if we didn't have something unique about ourselves. Like I said tho, it's alot to process...can y'all just hold off making out in front of me" Austin replied.

"Seriously Red" Adam piped up.

"What?...Just saying I ain't ready for that yet..geeeeze" Austin retorted.

"Not a problem, Austin. Our private life is just that, private" Chance assured him.

"About being 'private'...who knows..and what about the fans. You know it wont be long before someone finds out something. We have some intense clue sleuths out there ya know" Rob commented.

"My family knows, now y'all know. But we haven't told Tim's family everything yet. It's not something you just throw out there in casual conversation" Chance answered.

"Yeah, they know he's bisexual, I let them know that back during the issues with Jenika. But at that time we weren't together, nor had I finally come to terms with who I really was" Tim explained.

"So when do you plan on telling them?" Austin asked.

Tim looked at Chance before answering, "next break I suppose".

"Well after this video we have the CMAs and then two nights at the Ryman, so next break would be right around Thanksgiving" Adam advised.

"That's entirely up to you, Tim. But I think we owe it to your Mom to tell her before some tabloid gets ahold of it. Remember how bad the Jenika issues were, for both of us" Chance expressed.

"I I guess we're inviting ourselves to Thanksgiving dinner in Nederland" Tim replied with a slight grin.

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