Chapter 15

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Awakened by the aroma of fresh coffee, Chance yawned and stretched as he replayed last night over in his mind. Smiling he opened his eyes to find Tim standing beside the bed, a hot cup of coffee in his hand.

"Good morning" he said with little emotion while Chance slid up to sit against the headboard.

Noting the tone of his voice and the look on his face, he took the coffee from him and sat it on the night stand. "What's wrong" he asked.

Tim sat down, looking at his hands, unsure if he wanted to know the answer to the question plaguing his mind.

Chance slid over to him placing his head on his shoulder,  "Babe, tell me...what's wrong...Did I do something wrong, have I hurt you".

Tim reached into his back pocket, "why" he solemnly asked as he handed the item to Chance.

The ticket, the damn single airline ticket he had planned on using to head home. "Let me explain" he replied.

"No need, I get it. I'm just a convenience  when you need ..." Tim stopped as Chance bent him back and kissed him.

"You're not a convenience, you're the love of my life, you are my life" he whispered against his lips.

Tim sat up, still not looking at him, "then why...why are you leaving..and why didn't you tell me."

Chance drew his knees up to his chest, this wasn't exactly how he intended on telling him, "it's complicated" he replied .

"Why is it you won't let me're always pushing me away" Tim expressed.

"I'm not pushing you away, you won't understand, hell I dont understand" Chance told him.

"Then just tell me, maybe we can figure it out together..unless..unless there's someone else..someone who already knows...who understands" he remarked with some sarcasm as he stood.

Chance quickly grabbed his arm, "Tim there never has been nor will there be anyone else..please believe me" he replied fighting back the tears that welled in his eyes.

Tim's heart ached at the sight. Deep down he knew he loved him, he felt it wholeheartedly. "Then just tell me, let me help you" he replied leaning down sliding his hand along Chance's cheek.

Chance nodded and moved for Tim to sit beside him. Clearing his throat he hesitated before he began the whole story, the story of his life's work he was given while on the otherside.

"Are you for real" Tim replied when he finished.

"What kind of question is that...I knew you wouldn't believe me" Chance retorted moving away from him.

"No hold up...I meant..are..are you real? Not ... damn how do I put this" Tim stumbled with his words.

Chance furrowed his brow, confused by what Tim seemed to be asking, until it dawned on him. " Yes, I am real...I am still a real person just as I always was..not a spirit in a body, definitely not an angel if that's where you're headed. I just have this innate capability that is driving me crazy" he told him.

"I'm very confused right now. Let me try to get this died, you really died just as we all feared you would. And while you were on the otherside you were told you had to go back, your work wasn't done but yet not everything was explained to you" Tim stated.

"It sounds crazy, believe me I know, but yes" Chance replied.

"So this whole mess with Jenika, the lies and knew, you already knew" Tim asked getting angry.

"No, absolutely not..I didn't know what she had been doing or what she was capable of. I was told to help you let go, to get on with your life..that's what she told me" Chance stated.

"She told you? Who told you? Jenika tell you that?" Tim asked still angered.

"No....." he hesitated..." Caroline, she told me. She came to me on the other side" Chance tried explaining her role in his return only to seemingly confuse Tim even more.

"She never would have sent someone like Jenika to replace herself, they were totally opposite people" Tim stated.

"She admitted later she'd read the message wrong" Chance told him.

"That's who was weeping in my dream" he thought to himself recalling times he was in and out of consciousness from the assault. Standing, he paced about, rubbing his hands across his face and into his hair. "This is crazy, this whole thing is crazy" he repeated over and over.

Chance got out of bed, slipped on his pajama pants and stepped over to Tim. Grabbing both shoulders he looked directly in his eyes, "it's the truth, you know it is. She came to you, remember, more than once"

Tim stared at him, he was right she had come to him several times, he had begged her to watch over Chance as he lay in the coma. As far fetched as it sounded, he was right, it was true.

"I know, I know" Tim replied, the anger leaving him as his lover looked at him.

"So, you understand" Chance asked. Tim nodded in response.

Guiding him over to sit on the bed, Chance held his hands in his, "I loved you before all of this craziness, when I first joined the group. I had no intention whatsoever of making your life as miserable as I have. Please forgive me for the hurt and pain I've brought to you" he quietly asked.

Tim closed his eyes and drew him close, "You are not the cause of what I've been through. I knew you were attracted to me, as I was you. That's why I've looked out for you, wanted to take care of you all this time. You didn't bring me pain, you brought me love. You brought out who I truly am".

Sitting in silence for what seemed an eternity Tim finally spoke, "but why were you leaving, alone"

Chance sighed deeply, " You know why, I've done it before, several times actually. The gulf, it gives me answers, it's the only place that calms me when I'm stressed. That is until last night, with you" he replied leaning against his chest. "Last night you gave me what I was seeking. And I'm not talking about the sex, which was amazing I might add. But what you did took care of loved me, experience I cant explain but so much like what happens when I go back that's not was much, much more than that. Am I making any sense here" he added.

"Yes" Tim replied holding him tighter.

"I decided I couldn't go home alone, couldn't leave you behind, not now not ever. Please, come with me. I need answers but I need you more" Chance confessed tearfully.

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