Chapter 30

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Riding into Nederland Chance couldn't shake the feeling he'd had from the night before. Tim was in this nightmare and it scared the hell out of him. He had to protect him at all costs but just what, or who he was up against remained a mystery.

" in there?" Tim joked as he tapped on Chance shoulder.

"What?..Huh?..." he replied shaking his head.

"You seem to be a million miles away" Tim commented as they pulled into the parking lot.

"Sorry, day dreaming I guess" he replied.

Tim shut off the truck and turned towards him, "You want to talk?" he asked gently sliding his hand up his arm.

"No, I'm good, just still tired I guess. I'll kick back while you go inside" he told him.

"Nonsense, come in with me. You know Mom is not going to just let me drop this off without staying for a bit and I don't want to leave you out here alone. Some cute young thing may come along and catch your eye" he said with a wink.

"I only have eyes for you" Chance replied leaning his head to the side.

"Ditto" he smiled.

"How you feeling" Dena asked Chance as he helped carry the boxes in with Tim.

"Fine, Ms. Dena, thank you for asking" he replied.

Standing with her hand on her hip looking at him he realized he hadn't called her Mom like she advised him the night before. Unsure of how those around her would react he merely winked at her. She gave him a smile, she understood.

Tim was right, nearly four hours later they were finally leaving the building. Dena and the others had asked them to help with moving more boxes inside to make room for further expected donations. Each year members of Dena's church gathered together collecting clothing, food and toy donations for the less fortunate in the area to ensure they would not go without a hot meal and gifts for Christmas with the day after Thanksgiving as the kick off of the project.

"Your Mom sets this up every year?" Chance asked as they walked back to the truck.

"Yup, for as long as I can remember she's spent every available moment making sure the folks less fortunate were taken care of, can't say my father has though. He feels monetary donations to their fund is more important. While it greatly helps, it doesn't give as much satisfaction, in my opinion, but it gives him his recognition around town that he thinks he deserves"

"Your Dad, he' do I say this" Chance hesitated.

"Rich? Yes, old oil money actually that he's reinvested in stocks and such.."Tim replied starting the truck. "Nana's money really, he inherited it all after she passed. That is other than the trust funds she'd set up for me and Emily. I went through most of mine during my marriage to Caroline, I don't regret it either. There was a little left that I set aside in investments for 'just in case' but everything I have now I earned".

"I get it, there's more satisfaction in knowing you had a hand in helping someone than just handing over money. I wish I could do more" Chance remarked looking out the window as they head down the road.

"Hey, mind if we stop by the police station? I'd like to talk with Bobby about something " Tim asked.

"You plan on telling him while he's at work" Chance replied a hint of surprise in his voice.

Tim chuckled, "Hell no but there is a few family things I need to see him about" as he turned towards the police station.

"Oh, I just..well you know" Chance stated.

"Yeah...that's something he may need a drink to comprehend so I'll save it for tonight" Tim told him as he pulled into the visitors lot. "Come in with me here too".

"I'm sure there will not be any hot guys or gals walking by for you to worry about if I stay right here" Chance laughed.

"Ya never know..a tattooed convict may be enticing" Tim laughed opening the door for him.

Just as the pair walked up to the front desk Bobby came down the hallway talking with a coworker.

"Hey guys, what brings you two here" he asked as he ushered them to his office.

"We just finished up helping Mom with the donations at the church and I wanted to stop by to check on a few things with you" Tim explained.

"You haven't had any contact, have you" Bobby asked as he poured coffee for each of them.

"No, not at all and hopefully it stays that way. I just want to be sure Emily and Mom are good ya know" Tim replied as he handed each a cup.

Chance furrowed his brow at the conversation taking place as he wondered just what had Tim so worried.

"We've kept watch on his place and by all accounts he has not returned from what we've observed. Your mom and Emily are watched constantly by undercover officers and have found nothing amiss. As far as we can tell he hasn't left the area from the prison since his release" Bobby advised.

Noticing the expression on Chance face, Bobby looked at Tim then Chance as if to question if Chance knew.

Tim had completely forgotten to inform Chance of the situation with Jennings since his release from prison. His life had been such a tangled mess with Jenika that he'd let it escape his mind. Turning in his chair he began the long explanation.

"So this mad man is out of prison, somewhere and pretty much you, your whole family may be in danger. And it slipped your mind to tell the guys, tell me" he stated putting down his cup and standing before pacing around the room.

"Chance, its all under control. Orders of protection are in place, officers are on alert, it's all good" Tim assured.

"No, no it's not and that's your first mistake, becoming complacent because nothing has happened yet. Your second mistake was not telling me" he stated as he walked out the door.

Bobby watched as Tim hurried out behind him. "Perhaps Emily is right after all" he thought watching the two leave.

"Chance, wait I can explain, please wait" Tim called after him as he began to walk down the street from the police station.

Chance quickened his pace, he couldn't speak to Tim right now. He was both angered and hurt by what he'd just learned. The man he loved, would do anything for, hadn't been truthful with the danger he faced.

Tim jumped in the truck and hurried to follow Chance as he walked away. Pulling up along side he rolled down the window and begged for him to stop and get inside. Chance kept walking saying nothing in response concentrating only on the information he'd just learned. Without looking he began to cross the street. Unbeknownst to him the car bearing down the street was heading straight for him.

Tim yelled for him as he failed to listen and stepped directly into the busy intersection.

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