Chapter 41

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Neither would look at each other as they sat across from one another at the table. Chance swirled the coffee in his cup while Austin mindlessly played with the food on his plate.

Tim watched the two, bewildered by their actions. Just what had brought them to this point of discontent. Whatever it was the time had come to bring it forward, to deal with it like adults before heading back out on tour.

"Alright, time to fess up, just what is the problem between you two?" Tim asked setting his cup on the table.

"I don't have a problem, he does" Austin replied still playing with his food.

Chance shook his head before standing to get another cup of coffee. "As usual you clearly can't see that you are the problem".

"Me? What the hell have I done now, tell me will ya" Austin demanded spinning around in his chair.

"You seriously have no idea?" Chance retorted now standing next to Tim.

"If I did would I just now ask you" Austin barked back, himself now standing.

"Both of you sit down, now" Tim told them, "yelling and taking a threatening stance isn't going to help, talk this out, civily"

"Austin, why are you here? Why are you really here?" Chance asked as he sat down across the table.

"I told you already" he replied as
Tim looked between the two. The reddened face of Austin, the furrowed brows of Chance...knowing the two so well he read the signs, anger, guilt...but why.

"There's more to this and you know it" Chance told him.

"My being here has you pissed off? I thought you said, you both said months back that we were still brothers and I was always welcome" Austin stated.

"That will always hold true. But right now you can't seem to see that your reasoning for being here doesn't make sense" Chance continued.

"What are you talking about. I said I wanted to stay here while we were recording, to save the need to travel back and forth. Why is that a problem?" Austin replied.

"Austin, we aren't recording right now" Tim answered.

"'re taking his side?" Austin retorted.

"I'm not taking anyone's side..I'm only here to get you two to talk. What's wrong, why are you really here and not at that gorgeous new house of yours?" Tim stated.

Austin sat silent, he didn't want to reveal his real reasons, they wouldn't totally understand.  No one seemed to understand him any more, not like she used to.

"Are you jealous" Chance voiced out of nowhere.

"What? Of you two?...No..why would you ask such a thing..I'm not into guys" Austin replied.

"Maybe not but perhaps our relationship or at least the one we're trying to establish is bothering you" Chance replied taking Tim's hand.

"Trying?" Austin stated looking at their hands.

"Yes, trying...because you're here and we're just getting settled into our new life hoping for privacy that we cant have while on the road together...and then you show up..and" Chance rambled, obviously frustrated.

Tim squeezed his hand gently, "Austin you know just as well as the others that Chance needs his time away to rejuvenate and center himself. Moving in together is a big step, for both of us and he needs, we both need, the time to adjust. We both love you man but right now we need to concentrate on each other. Do you understand what I'm saying "

"Oh yeah, I get it. But, I need ...oh just forget it. I'm outta here" he replied knocking the chair over as he head for the door.

"AUSTIN" he barked as he walked out the back door, letting the screen slam shut.

"Let him go" Chance stated pulling at Tim's arm.

Tim turned, looking directly into the dark eyes of his lover "why, he's hurting, he needs help " he replied.

"Only one person can help him" he replied.

Tim raised a brow as he questioned "who".

"Himself " he said.

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