Chapter 11

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Tim grew more and more concerned about Chance. The longer they were on tour the more he seemed to withdraw from the others, from him.

"Hey, you doing ok" he asked stopping at his bunk while they traveled to yet another venue.

"I'm fine" Chance replied flipping the page in his book not making eye contact.

"Really" he questioned closing the book.

Chance looked at him, he felt bad not telling him everything. He just needed time away, alone to recoup from the stress of the constant demands of the tour, the constant dreams and nightmares that ran rampant in his mind nearly every night. He couldn't, wouldn't burden Tim with this side of him, the new normal as he called it.

"Really, I'm fine. You worry too much" he replied trying to convince him taking the book and placing it on the headboard of his bunk.

"I love you" Tim mouthed to him, desperately wanting to crawl in his bunk.

"I know, I love you too" Chance mouthed back, his heart aching at the look of disappointment in his lovers face. He squeezed his hand before telling him goodnight.

Scrolling through the confusing messages consumed him. Wondering was that really what was meant, what was written. Knowing but not accepting the possibility of it being over.

"Great, fucking reason really...not even an actual good bye, the 'we've grown apart''s really over" he cried throwing the cell phone aside.

The constant looking back, no matter where he was, who he was with only intensified the ache, the deep pain within. After all the years, finally letting them in, finally giving to want and desire, the planning of forever. Now gone, totally gone after thinking they were closer when in actuality they were falling more and more apart.

Sitting there, weapon in one hand bottle in another.....BANG

Chance screamed, "Nooooo" from his bunk causing Tim and the others to jolt out of their beds.

"What's going on, what's happening " Austin asked as he stumbled into Rob.

"Chance screamed, but I don't know why" Rob responded barely catching Austin.

"Chance....Chance...wake up" Adam called, jostling his arm.

"Let me talk to him" Tim advised as Chance continued to scream and roll back and forth on his bunk.

" Noooo...don''s not worth's not worth'll see.. please" Chance kept crying out.

Tim placed his one hand on Chance forehead, the other on his hand, "Adam...listen to me..I'm right here, open your eyes..your your eyes" he stated his voice breaking with fear.

"Why is he calling him Adam" questioned Austin.

"Well, it is his name" Rob replied sarcastically.

"Well Duh, I know but we never call him that" Austin remarked yawning.

"Guys, let me handle this, go back to bed " Tim suggested as Chance, still asleep, seemed to calm some from his touch.

"You sure?" Adam asked.

Tim nodded as Adam attempted to redirect the others back to their bunks but they stated they wanted to wait in the lounge.

Tim leaned over to Chance, "Babe please wake up now. It's ok, you're ok" he whispered at his ear.

Chance grabbed ahold of Tim's hand, his breathing labored, tears sliding out from the corners of his eyes.

Tim's heart sank, "dear God what has him so scared" he thought to himself calmly asking him again to wake up.

Chance rolled to his side he pulled Tim's hand into his chest, his eyes wet with tears slowly waking from the hell in his dream, he stared at Tim.

"What's wrong, tell me, let me help you" Tim spoke softly sliding his other hand alongside his face.

"I'm ok, I'm ok" he told him, "I'm sorry I woke you"

Tim wiped the tears from his cheeks, "please" he whispered.

"Really, I'm ok. You better go before the others see you" Chance told him.

"They are in the lounge, everyone came running when you yelled" Tim stated.

"What did I say?" Chance questioned his voice shaking.

"Nothing really, you screamed, they think it was just a nightmare" Tim told him nervously.

"That's all it was, go back to bed" Chance replied.

"Please, whatever is going on with you, let me help. You're scaring me, pushing me away again" Tim whispered.

Chance wanted to tell him but he knew he'd never really understand, hell he couldn't even understand why now, after all this time, he experienced the thoughts and fears so vividly of the others in his dreams.

"Must have been something I ate" Chance stated as an excuse.

Tim shook his head, he knew it was something more and right now it scared the hell out of him, thinking he was about to lose the one person who made living worthwhile again.

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