Chapter 47

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"This better be worth it" Tim expressed as the group sat down to consume the huge buffet before them.

"I know you're hesitant as am I but majority rules, it's what we've always abided by" Chance reminded him as the waiter brought drinks to their table.

"Lighten up Timmy, it's real southern BBQ, all our favorite drinks to enjoy and we're getting paid an insane amount of money to boot " Austin chimed in as he licked the sauce from his fingers.

"Insane is right..who does this sort of thing" Tim replied looking at the huge pork shoulder in the center of the table.

"Tim, please, just enjoy this will ya. How often do we get something like this bestowed upon us..that's right...NEVER" Rob replied.

Adam sat on the other side of Rob digging into the food before him quickly downing a mixed drink in between bites.

"Whoa, too spicy for you Adam?" Chance asked.

"No, it's fucking amazing. I've never had anything like this before" he replied downing the last of his drink and motioning for another.

Tim furrowed his brow as he looked around at his band mates. They were acting as if they were having orgasms with each bite. He then glanced at Chance, he seemed to be just as enthralled with the meal as the others.

"This doesn't make sense, it just doesn't " he thought to himself as Chance slid the plate towards him. "Babe, ya got to try it, it is amazing" he told him placing a piece of meat to his lips. He hated to admit it but the aroma alone convinced him to gently take it from his fingers with his teeth.


Standing in separate rooms, each one waited for their private performances as agreed to. A specific song had been chosen for each of them, a song that had meaning, a hidden meaning unbeknownst to them. The rooms appeared hazy, a dimly lit stage nearby. An uneasy feeling began to envelope each of them, now wondering just what they agreed to as each were surrounded by individuals dressed in black, their faces covered. One by one hoods were placed over their heads, injections stung their necks before they were placed in the back of a large vehicle that quickly sped off.

Finding themselves slowly wakening and back inside the bus Tim looked through blurred eyes checking to be sure where he was before scanning the room for the others. Trying to stand he stumbled back down, " Everyone, are you here, are you alright" he called out.

"Yeah" said Austin groggily.

"I think so" answered Rob rubbing his eyes.

Adam crawled from the floor to sofa, "what the hell happened" he asked pulling himself upon the seat.

Three voices, only three. His heart began to race, anxiously he called out, "Chance...Chance..are you here, are you all right".


Gazing out the window, congratulating himself on the way he manipulated the manager, he sipped his hundred year old scotch. After months of gathering information his plan was finally coming together. In just a few hours he would have his revenge and none would be the wiser.

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