Chapter 12

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The Ryman, the mother church of country music. Here they stood again, pride swelling within every single one of them, they'd made it.

The pressure of the tour and the culmination of their hard work to get to this point had begun to take its toll on Chance. "If I can just get through these next two days. The time off, I need the time off more than ever but will Tim understand when I tell him I need to go home, alone" he thought to himself as they began rehearsal for the first of two performances.

Tim couldn't take his eyes off Chance, watching every move, every sound he made. Something was different, his body language was different, he was more withdrawn than usual the past several VIPs. "Maybe if we could just have some time alone, real time, like before. Yeah, that's what it is, he's as sexually frustrated as I am. Well, Mr. Ray I know exactly what you need" he thought to himself as he walked seductively past his lover.

Austin rolled his eyes at the way Tim swayed across the stage, " Save it for the ladies in the front row, Foust" he joked making Tim turn towards him. Tim hadn't noticed the rest of the guys gathering on stage having been mentally engrossed in what he was thinking of doing with Chance. He blushed a little hoping he hadn't given their secret away yet.

Chance looked up as Austin made his comment, giving a slight smirk. How he wanted to push away all the thoughts and images from his mind and concentrate on the one thing that meant the most to him, his love for Tim. For whatever reason the longer they were on the road and physically apart the more the thoughts plaqued him. As the stress grew so had the nightmares to the point he questioned had the tumor returned. He had to go home, alone, to sort everything out, to find answers, but at what cost.


Tim was thankful to finally be able to sleep in his own bed again though he wished he wasn't alone. As he lay there, staring at the ceiling all he could think about was Chance, out back, in his own bed. Had it not been for the others staying the night due to the second performance he definitely would have been rolling around in the sheets trying everything imaginable to bring him out of this latest funk.

Chance stood near the window looking out at the star filled sky. He'd made up his mind, he would spend the night with Tim tomorrow night after everyone left before heading home to Alabama. He needed the time with him, his touch, his love to get him through whatever it was he faced in the days ahead.

If anyone in the audience had a clue to the type of relationship these two men secretly shared they surely would have seen and felt the chemistry on the stage for this last performance for this leg of the present tour.

As they looked out across the audience each one took a deep breath before taking their final bow of the evening basking in the uplifting presence from the fans, knowing their hard work had finally paid off. Quickly heading out for the signing line each began to mentally prepare for some well deserved time off. Rob and Adam were both scheduled for an immediate flight to Minnesota as soon as they finished while Austin would be heading back to Georgia shortly after them.

Tim and Chance would be staying at home in Tennessee. Both said their goodbyes and well wishes to the others as they went their separate ways. Climbing into Tim's truck for the short ride home, Chance slid his hand upon Tim's as he drove down the highway.

"Pretty amazing night wasn't it" Chance said looking out the window.

"It is now, now that we're together" Tim replied squeezing his hand gently before lifting it to his lips for a soft kiss.
Chance smiled as the slightest touch from his love sent electricity through him.

Shutting of the truck after pulling into the garage, Tim shifted his weight in the seat and faced Chance. Both leaned towards each other at the same time, slowly sliding their hand around each others neck, drawing the other nearer before connecting in a soft, sensual kiss.

"My God I have missed you so much" Chance whispered against his lips.

"Please, stay with me tonight" Tim whispered back.

Chance deepened his kiss as he pulled Tim closer practically on top of him in the front seat of the car.

Tim chuckled slightly, "while making out in the truck is definitely hot, the fact the two of us are over 6ft tall makes it a bit awkward, my love".

"Oh really, why so awkward" Chance replied sliding his hands up under Tim's shirt as he kissed along his neck.

Moaning softly at his lovers touch Tim managed to finally utter, "the shifting lever wasn't exactly what I had in mind to be in my ass tonight"

Chance laughed deeply against his throat as he continued to kiss and nibble, pushing himself upward against Tim. Whispering in Tim's ear he merely stated, " too big to handle" he teased sending shivers down his spine.

"No, not big enough" Tim replied pushing himself against the hardness beneath him.

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