Chapter 39

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"We've got a problem" he whispered into the phone.

"What now" bellowed the voice on the other end.

"The girl, she got a good look at me today" he replied.

"So, she has no idea who you are. You're being paranoid" he told him.

"It's not going to be easy for me to obtain your damn information now" he barked back "she sees me snooping about she's going to say something to someone".

"Look....just get your damn job done, and don't fuck it up. You understand" he growled before disconnecting the call.

"You alright, you seem a bit occupied" Tim whispered as he nuzzled against Chance neck.

The explanation from Olena, his incident in the butchershop as well as the one recurring nightmare that continually consumed his mind had him totally ignoring Tim's advances.

Sitting up Tim looked at Chance as he continued to gaze off. "What's wrong" he asked turning his chin towards him.

Chance gave a slight smile, "Nothing is wrong...I'm sorry, babe, could I get a raincheck... I'm kinda tired" he replied.

"Sure, absolutely...are you sure you're ok? The Tequila cause a headache"? he asked as he slid behind him on the bed.

"Yea, I guess just a little" he lied though it would have been true had he drank more than he did.

Tim pulled him back against his chest and gently rubbed his temples" just relax and let me take care of you" he whispered.

"I love you you know" Chance stated as he closed his eyes listening to his lovers rhythmic breathing behind him.

"I know" Tim whispered as he gently massaged his temples until he felt his body relaxed against him. "What I really need to know is what had you and Olena so upset you both were downing shots at 4 in the afternoon" he thought to himself.

Austin sat at the window sill overlooking the moonlit field behind the house. Memories ran rampant through his minds he questioned why so much had changed, how he had changed. He glanced at Tim's place, a dimly lit light through the curtain at the back of the house. The bedroom, their shared room now, gave him a slight pang of jealousy.

"Why, I just don't understand" he barely spoke aloud running his hand across his own bare chest as the shadow turned off the light.

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