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Ashton's only two years older than me; he's 20 and I'm 18. Two years isn't that huge of a gap, so why is he so much smarter than me? He's kicking my ass in this game!

Michael, Calum, Ashton and I are sitting quietly on the airplane that's flying us to our last few shows in Florida. We always sit in first class, and each airline has a set or more of 4-seat rows. We have a particular order when it comes to who sits where.

Calum always sits next to the window because of the effect flying has on his stomach. It's rare when he actually feels sick when flying, but it's happened before. A few times more than I wish it had happened. So to prevent it from happening, the window seat is always reserved for him and him only.

"Your mind doesn't realise it's in a moving vehicle if it doesn't see the movement, through a window for example. Your body is moving but it doesn't recognise the feeling as motion which is why you feel sick, and also looking outside at the passing clouds helps with the sick feeling. It lets your brain know you are moving," is what he tells anyone when they ask.

At first it bothered me, since I always choose to sit closest to the wall. Whenever I need to take a seat, I have to try out each seat until one feels right, or else I'll feel uneasy for the rest of the time being. It just so happens that the seat I end up finding a liking to is next to a wall. I've gotten use to our setup at this point though; I'm always seated at one of the two middle seats.

Michael, more times than not, calls the aisle seat for himself. Our career revolves around thousands of people. From fans to managers, body guards to publicists, it's rare that we ever have a moment to ourselves. Michael adores the aisle seat on planes because he doesn't feel like he's blocked in by people, which is a common feeling each of us feel daily.

Ashton usually sits next to Michael, with me at Calum's side. Ashton knows that either middle seat is fine with me, but he always lets me enter the row first to sit next to Calum. To be honest, I'm glad he does this. I feel more comfortable when farthest from the aisle. Maybe he's picked up on this and lets me sit before he does for that reason.

Today's different though. Ashton is seated next to the aisle with Michael beside him, followed by me and Calum. Yesterday was a day off, which we decided to spend doing absolutely nothing. It may sound boring but none of us have time to be the lazy teenagers we are, so we seized the opportunity and ended up on the couch watching a marathon of How I Met Your Mother.

With the lack of social interaction yesterday, Michael didn't feel the need to be seated next to the aisle. Instead he took the seat next to me and slept for the entire flight, head resting on my shoulder.

"You could spell orgasm with a letter bonus," or what I thought was the whole flight.

I nearly jump out of my seat and begin to scold him. "I thought you were sleeping Michael! Don't scare me like that!"

"Calm down and just spell the word."

"What are you talking about? I don't have a G, and there's nowhere on the board with an open G that I could spell orgasm with."

Ashton hears me say this, his head snapping to look at me with an alarming look on his face. "Are you serious?" Michael and I reply by shushing him, considering Calum fell asleep a little over an hour ago.

"Don't worry," Calum grumbles from down the row, "I'm awake."

"Good, 'cause this guy is gonna spell orgasm and get a shit ton of points!" Ashton exclaims with a stunned tone.

"Shut up, I'm losing so badly that this will barely make a difference anyways," I say while Michael drags the letters to their spot on the board.

"Yeah but there's a triple word score space-"

"Luke you liar!" Ashton cuts off Michael in a rage. The message on the screen reads 'ORGASM played for 56 points' which is quickly followed by a screen declaring the game has finished with me winning by three points.

"Don't yell at me, Michael's the one who took my turn!" I defend myself. Ashton turns his focus away from me and towards Michael. If looks could kill, Michael would be on the floor bleeding out right now - Ashton's currently shooting daggers from his eyes.

"Aw but Ashy, you love me," Michael whines in an innocent tone. He then proceeds to put his hands on Ashton's curls and give him a sloppy kiss on the cheek.

Ashton pushes Michael off of himself. "Stop being gross Michael, you slobbered all over me!" He grabs Michaels sweater sleeve and starts to wipe off his friends saliva from his cheek. Calum and I laugh hysterically at Ashton's response, while Michael continues to give the most innocent look he can.

"Thank you for flying American Airlines, we have landed in Florida. Please grab all your belongings and exit towards the front," the pilot says, their voice booming over the speakers. The plane becomes loud with passengers standing up to retrieve their bags from above. Once we grab all our things, we're walking out of our row of seats.

"And don't call me Ashy."

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