Day 16: 9/25/19

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I'm sorry for not updating yesterday I didn't go to school because I was sick. I would've wrote about what I did all day so that you at least got something but I just slept all day and ate food lol.

I woke up feeling tired. I didn't get much sleep last night bc my bf kept pushing me across the bed. But that's okay because I actually feel great. All week I've felt like ass because I have been sick but today the symptoms aren't as bad as they've been so it feels nice.

First period was actually good we did this thing where we had to look at different hand written notes and try to match them with someone else's handwriting. I finished it in about 20 minutes so I had 10 minutes to do whatever so scrolled through Instagram.

Forum was boring we just talked about homecoming and what was happening this week.

Second period was okay we printed out our pictures and taped them together leaving a small gap so we could fold it without folding the pictures. Then I glued a pink piece of paper on top to make it more authentic.

Third period sucked. I completely forgot that we had to do a study guide. I was so upset because I'm not able to make it up. Other than that we just went over the study guide and got another one worth two extra points on the test tomorrow.

So I was walking to geometry and I passed my ex. I glanced up and looked him dead in the eyes and WE MADE EYE CONTACT. I'm not sure if it was weird or not but my heart skipped a beat. I liked it a lot but I shouldn't.

Anyways fourth period was okay I had to make up a quiz I missed yesterday. That was pretty easy I'm sure I passed. The rest of class after I finished the quiz I just worked on the weekly that's due Friday.

Fifth period was actually okay. I worked on my English work that I was supposed to do last night but didn't have time so I felt a lot better after that then I worked on a forensics paper that I completely forgot about so I finished that and was able to turn it in right after. 

Lunch was okay. My ex sat at the booth in front of me and I kept seeing him glance back at me every so often and i know it seems like a terrible thing to be thinking about since I have a bf but I'm not really happy in my relationship rn because we argue a lot over small things. Anyways this isn't the story of my life it's my school experience. It was a little awkward for a little bit because everyone left for some reason so I was the only one at the booth but I started writing this so I wasn't too worried about it.

Sixth period was decent. I forgot to do the PowerPoint about the candy but it's fine because it won't effect my grade that much since I've been trying and have an 85 average. I'm proud of myself tho because most of my classes have 80s and over. I haven't been the type of person to actually try to keep my grades up unless I'm doing it for something. Like last year my parents told me if I kept my grades at 80's or higher they would either give me their Jeep Compass and $500 and my uncle said he would match the money they gave me so I would get the jeep and $1,000 but I got depressed and unmotivated so I ended up failing all my classes and didn't get either but I'm not too mad about it because I don't feel comfortable when people just hand me expensive things like that. I feel bad like I didn't earn it so I don't deserve it. They only did it because nobody in my family has graduated and my 17 year old cousin had a baby at 16 so they just wanted to see me succeed. Anyways we did a group paper type thingy so I at least got that done. We get so much work in English that even my study hall teacher said it was outrageous and she usually defends my English teacher when anyone says she's giving us too much work. We had to do this paper where we highlighted the opinions, examples, and evidence supporting those and she gave us a practice regents. We only have to do the multiple choice but it's a lot to read since we have three sections of reading and like 30 questions.

Seventh period was decent me and Kyle talked about how this one kid in his weight lifting class doesn't lift the weights right and he knows it. He said the kid was on the machine where you lay on your stomach and use your legs to lift the weights. Your supposed to go slow so you don't pull something or end up dropping the weight on you. He said he had like 3 ten pound weight on there and was doing it viciously and violent so he ended up dropping the weights down on his lower back. The kid asked Kyle if it looked bad and lifted up his shirt to show him and he had this giant red welt across his back. Kyle said he died of laughter while everyone was standing there in shock. The way he said it tho was hilarious so I ended up laughing too. I also worked on the page for English where I had to highlight stuff and I ended up getting that done. I was gonna do the practice regents but class ended while me and Kyle were talking.

Accounting sucked. I had to make up a quiz from yesterday. But yanno since I never pay attention I didn't know anything so I had to guess on the everything. I told my friend that I guessed on everyone so I prolly got a 0% and he didn't believe me so we made a bet he thought I was gonna get over 30 so I bet that I would get under 30. I looked over at the teachers desk and she had crossed off a lot of things in red so I told him to look and he wanted to change the bet to under 25 so I said no because we shook on it lol and when I got the paper back everything was crossed off except for one page witch was multiple choice and I guessed on those too but I knew for a fact it was below 30. I won the bet but the teacher gave me a chance to make corrections for half back meaning if I get it all right I would at least have a 50. Anyways I did that the rest of class.

Overall today was okay. I was kinda hoping my ex would be in study hall with me cuz it was nice talking to him on Monday so I figured it would be the same way today but I guess not. It's okay tho I'm not mad or upset. Anyways goodbye yall I'll see you tomorrow lol.

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