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"My father. Let's just say... he's an asshole. He always discouraged me and my mother. He was involved with the dark world as well which is connected with his business. So my mother left. She tried to bring me with her but, she couldn't manage." I said.

"Where's your father?" He asked with a look of anger in his eyes. I laughed dryly. "Either fucking another one of his hoes or thinking about how worthless me and my mother are." I said.

"It said you had an older brother." He said. "He left as soon as he was sixteen. He went to the marines. He hasn't called. Wrote. Texted. Anything. I don't even know if he is alive." I said with a sad look.

"And you? Why are you so quiet? Why do you think lowly of yourself?" He asked. Sitting at the end of the couch. Taking my feet and putting them on his lap. Taking my high heels off.

I went to take my feet back since this is weird but, I couldn't bring my body to do it. I liked his touch. His hands started to massage my calves.

I threw my head over the arm of the chair. "My father. He's always told me I was worthless and pathetic. A mistake. I couldn't make it as a business women. It was my dream until I started to actually believe the things he said. Still do but, I don't care anymore." I said.

"I do. You could definitely make it as a business women. You've got the guts. The brain. The attitude. The look. You could do it. You aren't worthless, pathetic or a mistake. Your a miracle to have on this earth. Your absolutely stunning." He said.

"Is this like some weird therapy session?" I asked. He laughed. "No. I was trying to get answers. I'll make it fair and tell you about me." He said.

I nodded but, he got up and locked the door before coming back. "My name is Dax Grey and I'm 20. My younger sister is Lillian. Yes the secretary. She got married. My father is dead and my mother lives in England." He said.

I shivered slightly and he pulled me into his lap and I tried to get up but, his grip was very tight. So I couldn't move. "Let me go." I said.

I felt his lips on my neck causing my breathing to stop. My heart might have even stopped. I'm not sure. He continued to move down my neck and I sat there.

Frozen on his lap. I squirmed when I gained my reality button back. "Stop moving." He ordered and for some odd reason I listened.

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