Brielle's Bitch

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I scrutinised her as she effortlessly took dainty strides towards her boyfriend Elijah, she was so damn perfect. From the top of her head to the soles of her feet, Brielle Chanel Johansson was the epitome of perfection. Her long and thick dark brown mane framed her slender and chiselled face, long curly lashes complimented her almond shaped hypnotising amber eyes, and thick arched eyebrows sat above them, her pout was soft and plump, with pearly white teeth perfectly aligned behind them. She was 5"5 and evenly proportioned and had boobs and an apple shaped ass that made men and women do double takes. Brielle was just that chick.

Me on the other hand? I was 5"8, overweight, and had a phase of acne that had left acne marks here and there. Needless to say I was insecure, and always compared myself to Brielle. She was the only person that I trusted, she was my best friend. Since the tender age of six, we chose each other out of a crowd of snot nosed kids, to be each others everything. And now she was slowly replacing me with Elijah Banks. With every boyfriend she's had she has always put them first before everything: Education, her social life, me... I was naive to think she would of acted different this time, but that's the thing about hope. I felt a twinge of jealously as I saw them gazing into each others eyes, like some soppy love struck lovers out of a movie or something. It made me sick, I mean what did she see in that idiot? He had no ambition nor drive, all he did day in day out was roam the streets with his 'man dem'. He was an egotistical asshole, who thought it was an accomplishment to be a road man; but in Brielle's eyes Elijah could do no wrong. Ughhhh.

Just when I thought their little show couldn't get worse, he pulled her closer and stuck his tongue in her mouth. They started kissing like long lost lovers. When they finally stopped, I started walking towards them. Brielle noticed me first and grimaced, I wasn't taken back by her demeanour, I had always been the underdog in our friendship. Elijah noticed the look of disdain on Brielle's face, and looked at me. He started chuckling at me, whilst playing with the toothpick he had in his mouth. That instantly made me conscious "Wah gwarn Lauren?" I gave him a dirty look, and focused my gaze on Brielle. "Nah, look at how she blanked yah!" One of Elijah's friends hollered, then a roar of laughter followed, as all of Elijah's broke down friends laughed at him from his car. "Yo shut up! Or get the fuck out of my car and catch the bus!" That had silenced his friend. Elijah loudly kissed his teeth "Yo Lauren you need to learn some fucking manners, your too rude uno!"

I kissed my teeth and cut my eyes simultaneously. "Brielle, are you coming to class?" Brielle dramatically rolled her eyes. "Lauren, you came over here to ask me that stupid question, when you know what the answer already is? And not only that, you have no bloody manners! Why do you have to always disrespect Elijah? You know what just go on without me, cuz you've proper pissed me off." Suddenly Elijah and his friends started laughing, I sighed and turned around on my heels, and walked to class like she told me to. I could never stand up to her, no matter how wrong she was or how bad she made me feel. Every time I tried, It was like the words got stuck in my throat. Just before going through the automatic doors I looked back at them. Brielle was getting in the passenger seat of his car. As he closed her door, he looked back at me and started laughing again shaking his head as he started walking to the other side of the car. I huffed as I carried on walking toward the entrance. In that moment I felt like Brielle's little bitch...

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