Richie Tozier.

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Hi I wanted to kinda tell you a little bit more about the characters, mostly because they are a lot different than the movies/mini series/book, so yeah this first one will be Richie and I will post a chapter or two in between the next one, which will be Eddie, Richie is kind of like the dark side of me, the depression and secrets, please read the warnings. (Also I was never sexually assaulted or abused in any form, it's all apart of the story line)

National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799-SAFE
National Sexual Assault Hotline 1-800-656-HOPE (4673)
National Child Abuse Hotline 1-800-4-A-CHILD (422-4453)
Drug Abuse National Helpline 1-800-662-4357
National Association for Children of Alcoholics 1-888-554-2627
Trevor Hotline (Suicide) 1-866-4-U-TREVOR
S.A.F.E. (Self Abuse Finally Ends) 1-800-DONT-CUT
Suicide Hotline 1-800-SUICIDE (784-2433)
National Eating Disorders Center Helpline
(800) 931-2237


Richie tozier, mother killed in 2009, father in-prisoned in 2017, he's a strange boy, he has so much hurt inside him but he cares more about others than himself, he has HDD, when he was 6 he was diagnosed with adhd, but his hyperactivity faded away after his mother was killed, he's not a happy boy, not at all, he has all sorts of different anxiety's, too many to name, PTSD haunts his brain, he's had countless mental breakdowns starting from the age of 10, in episodes he would cut his hair, scratch his knuckles to the point that they would bleed, which he had now picked up when he has anxiety, his father never cared, if anything his father was the reason, the times the old man would touch the young Richie, but that wasn't something Richie had talked to anyone about, Richie was a trashmouth, Richie talked either too much or too little, he doesn't know how to show affection, as he was never shown it himself, his father was always drunk, always on a job, always doing god knows what late at night with the woman, you see the thing is Richie doesn't see himself as sick, he doesn't see himself much at all, he doesn't eat very much, but frankly his skinny body has grown to be used to it, though rich would never admit it, he hates himself, it wasn't his choice to come out, you see the only time he had been with a boy, it had been with a random boy, he had a very outdated bowl cut, he was obviously gay, he said he had been visiting from a small town in Indiana and he was making his way to Montreal for the summer, but his siblings wanted to go to Portland, they ended up needing to staying a week, because their car had broke down, so they stayed in Derry before heading to Portland, the boy came onto Richie, but there flame barely lasted 2 minutes, because a rock breaking his widow broke them out of there kiss, Henry saw them kissing, he told the whole town, the town didn't tell Wentworth, because everyone knows what happens to that boy, he never saw the boy again, only a small fragment of the boy was left in Richies mind, that night he cried his eyes out, he wasn't humiliated at school the next month, but he had to listen hundreds of kids call him the F word, Richie was great-full for the boy, he'd started crushing on Eddie Kaspbrak in 6th grade, but he was always too scared to even stand next to the boy, Richie didn't know much about the boy, other than he was a hypochondriac, Richie just thought the boy looked beautiful in his short shorts and rainbow polo shirt, but of course Richie was Richie, so he didn't talk to the boy, it wasn't until 8th grade when he met bill and Stan, that's when he finally felt accepted, like he was made for something bigger than what he was, he had friends, people who'd listen to him, sure it took a while for them all to open up, they went from silently eating lunch together to telling each other everything, well except one thing, the thing Richies father did to him late at night, that's something he never wants to tell anyone, ever!

Yee that's it love y'all

Maybe if we were different- ReddieDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora