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Chapter 35 |

Ke'Shyla 💕

"So, long story short, he broke up with me for some basic bum bitch that has no money." I cheesed at my mother's grave.

Update for you guys. Apparently, Shawn and Aubrey are back together. But, I'll be damned if I move out so I sleep in the guest room. A bitch will never sit down and be miserable so I and Ashton are back talking.

While cleaning my mom's headstone and replacing it with new flowers, I heard somebody clear there throat. I turned to see the devil himself.

"What are you doing here?" I said dryly

"I wanted to talk to her for a while."

"Welp, she's busy so come back during neveruary."

"Look, I want to be friends... I don't want us to be broken up just to end on bad terms."

I smiled, "Fuck you and the feeling of you wanting to be friends."

"We're too old for these childish games and arguing."

"Huh, I'm these many." I held up three fingers

"You play the victim but yet fucking around with that nigga."

"Victim? Nigga, did I cheat on you, hurt you, disrespected you ever while we were together? Oh, you sure? Yeah, I know I didn't."

"If you really were hurt or loved me you wouldn't be fucking that dude."

"Oh, the dick bomb too." I laughed

His jaws clenched as I saw angry slowly peer from the side of his eyes. "There's no reason why you should be mad, see that's what you fail to realize... I'm not the rest of these bitches you talk to or play with. I boss up and keep the fuck moving. You don't care why should I ?"

"Never said I don't care." He shook his head

"Well, you damn sure don't show that you do... but these are all allegations so who knows."

I pushed the carnations and roses into his chest pointing to her stone.

"Here, after you're saying what you need to say... explain how you proved to me that niggas ain't shit by fucking my life up. She'll forgive you when you sit them down."

I walked away as I heard my name being screamed louder the further I moved away. I was hoping he'll chase me, but he didn't. This is why I don't like it when my fairytales or dreams come true... because it never tells the actual ending or what you'll be in stored for.

The view of the ridiculous amount of cars driving became to slowly fade away as tears flooded down my face. I've been through so much hurt and pain these few months and for him to add on that makes me feel like everything he's said to me was a complete lie to make himself feel better.

All because my damn sister wanted me to be a fucking barber. I hate that I let him get me this way because after Ashton I made a vow that it will be the last thing that will happen to me again, and I just broke it.

My phone got a notification from Keisha.

From: Sissy💋
~my love bug💛, May you stop by my house real quick?
Read @8:57pm

I said okay since I was only 5 minutes away.

I pulled up to see her and Mali on the roof waving at me like a kid who just seen there mother since she left for the grocery store.

Quickly going to the fridge to see what new kinds of ice cream she bought, after a minute or so I chose candy floss crush as I bolted to her room to see Kyle and Dave playing the game.

"For you to be skinny you sure is blocking the entire tv," Kyle mumbled

Dave scoffed as I flicked them both off going out the window.

"Welcome my love bug." She smiled

I smiled in return, she always knows how to make me smile or laugh in tough times. I think that's part of the reason why she's my go-to instead of Mali, but I mean she is my sister so why wouldn't she be.

"So, would anyone like to start?" Keisha asked

Mali cleared her throat raising her hand facing her body to me.

"I want to apologize for what I said, there was no reason why I brought that up in such an explicit way. I want to fresh with us, and if there is anything that is still bothering you let me know so we can get it behind us so there won't be no misunderstanding." She nodded

"I accept your apology. I want to apologize for coming off disrespectful to you or having you feel as if I'm just speaking to you in any sort of way. I also want to apologize for putting my hands on you, and I love you."

She opened her arms, "I love you more."

I leaned in for a hug as Keisha started clapping.

"So, tell us about what happened with Shawn, start from last week about Monte." Mali pointed out

"Well, he got upset that I didn't tell him about what Monte said. Then this nigga proceeds to say I don't love or care about him, I rebuttal and he says he thinks we should break up. I ask why and my answer knocks on the door because there stands Aubrey in a see-through robe with lingerie on bitch."

"I feel bad, I caused all of this." Keisha pouted

"No biggy, everything happens for a reason."

"That's all that happened."

"No, I was at mama grave to talk to her and this bitch nigga appears. Saying I never cared because I start back talking to Ashton so quickly." I rolled my eyes getting pissed back off as I bring it back up.

"If he says somebody doesn't care one more time." Mali laughed

"Right, he being the bitch after the breakup and shit." We all laughed together as we came to the end of our ice cream bars.

"I want us to do a sleepover like old times, Mali... you're in for a treat, legit one of the funniest things we do as a holiday." Keisha squealed

I laughed at her childishness. My phone dinged, I glanced to see Ashton's name.

From: Ashton😍
~ wya ? I'm filling in for a pa appointment 😂😏

I laughed adored at his old sayings he brought back to memory for me.

To: Ashton😍
~ lmao, omw 😉

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