Chapter 37 : Honeymoon 💏

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Christian'sPOV :

I started splashing water on my this can't be true....why????why did I do this????

This was all because me....I made her like this?????

"Stockholm syndrome????"

"Yes these cases the patient started liking their captivators....they started having emotions and bonding with them!"

"But in her case???!"

"I've listen to her that how she met you got married and why she is behaving like this and you did told me every single thing too!!"

I nodded when he continued

" you proposed her but you didn't tried to know what's was her beaten her best friend.....shoot her on leg and even if you convinced her family they were forced...indirectly! !"

"What about the tattoo???!"

"Oh...that 'Z' was very similar  was She told me that her best friend's husband forced her to make a Tattoo on his name....that memory came flashed in front of her eyes when she saw your tattoo and most importantly.....her Stalker had written the same 'Z' on those letters as your tattoo was!!"

"That can be just a incidence...cause the letters I've checked they are cursive  letters so...they are bit similar ..nothing to be worry about that!!

He checked her file once again...

"Mr.Davis...She is blaming herself for her best friend's situation..that how much he had went through just because of her...and she couldn't even do anything...she is depressed !"

"And now because of her Stalker....she can only trust're her saviour. ..even though in once she was afraid to come near you...that's is what Stockholm syndrome is!!"

I forced her to marry me....I beaten  Danial cause I thought she is going to marry him and that bastard Zack ...she is in depression..all because of me!!!!!!!!

"What should I do doctor?! !"

"Give her sometimes...bring her to her family...let her spend some time with them..a month after bring her for her 2nd session !!"

"Thanks you!"


A day later:

"Where are we going? ??!" She asked me while I was packing her stuff

"You're going !!"

"But where??!"

"To Your mom's house..don't you miss her??!" I smiled

"Yes I do but why so suddenly? ?!" She looks worried

"Because I want has been almost a month since we got married and you didn't went to meet your family....but why ??ain't you happy??"

"No actually Martha is out of town...who is gonna take care of your while I'll gone?? Your work doesn't let you have a proper sleep and meal! !" She looks so concern about me

To be honest. always wanted this concern from you love but today...for my selfishness....I destroyed your life and I can't even let you go. ..cause you're not safe without me but you're not safe with me either!!

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