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❛ Friends ❜

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The next day, you met Sumin, he was getting better. You decided to open the café for sometime.

Many customers came by today, the bell rang again. You looked up, looking at the familiar pair of eyes. "Jungkook?" Your voice calling his name sent chills down his spine.

You smiled at him, remembering that he was a total creep, "I just realised that you owned this shop, and decided to come by." He said, smiling at you.

You nodded, signaling him to sit down on one of the chairs that was empty.

You attended a few customers, before making his order. "Mr Jeon?" You called him, scared at the way he was looking at you.

"Why are you suddenly staring at me?" You asked, backing off from him. You were scared, "Sorry, your beauty distracted me." He said, hand moving to his cup.

The coffee fell on his hand, making you instantly hold it. "Are you okay?" You asked him, concerned.

He smiled, like he couldn't feel the pain when it was getting reddish, you wiped it with your apron, "It might get a burn." You told him, frowning.

"My heart may get a burn."

He said, you raised your brows, "What?" You asked him, "Lame joke." He said, this was the word he recently learnt.

"Ah, you are trying to be funny." You smiled at him, he returned the smile, he was unable to understand humans and why they laugh and smile so much even when things are not at all funny.

"I'll wait till you close," He said, copying the words Areum made him learn all night.

You nodded, "Okay." You said, "I'll bring you a new cup." You told him, taking the cup.

He stared at you throughout the time, others might think he was crazy and a pervert, but he could care less.

He was determined to mark her.

You closed up quickly, walking towards the hospital with Jungkook. "Let's watch a movie." He said,

His words might seem hits own, but they were made up. "But Sumin?" You asked him, Sumin was the only one you were talking about while walking with him. You wanted him to meet a creepy man like Jungkook, he was always interested in creepy things.

"We can meet him later, we have plenty of time." He said, you looked at the time, and yeah, he was right. You nodded. "Okay." You told him,

He walked beside you, close enough, but you didn't notice him getting any close. You were dumb about these things.

You two walked to the theater, unplanned about what to watch. "What do you want to watch?" He asked, taking out his wallet.

"Family Blood."

You said, looking at the scary looking poster, "Aren't you scared?" He asked, smiling. "No, I like horror." You smiled back at him.

"Mom!" You yelled, hiding behind Jungkook everytime a horror scene came, "I asked you before hand." He mumbled, you flinched or yelled whenever a scary scene came.

"So, what now?" He asked as you two walked out, "Let's go meet Sumin," You said,

His body flamed up whenever you took his name, "After that let's go for dinner." You finished, making him soften his eyes.

"Good." He mumbled, following you.

It was weird how you were getting attracted towards a totally stranger, he was a stranger to you, you two don't know each other personally, so you two were.

You walked through the same roads again, tired. "Are you tired?" He asked, stopping.

"Kind of." You said, "But we're not far from the hospital, let's go meet him," You said, you missed Sumin from the time you left him alone in the hospital bed. "As you wish." He followed you,

You walked in the staircase, dead tired as you opened the door to his room. "Sumin!" You yelled his name, be was awake and looked fine. He smiled at you as you sat beside him,

He pulled you in his arms, "Jungkook come in." You called him, pulling his hand. "This is my friend, Jungkook." You patted his shoulder, smiling.

But Sumin looked unhappy to see him. "Y-You?" He stumbled upon his words, "What?" You asked, he shook his head. "Nothing," He smiled at you, you sat beside him. "Are you okay?" You asked him, keeping your head on his chest. He nodded,

Sumin was having a weird feeling about Jungkook, like he saw him somewhere, but couldn't remember where. He put a hand over your shoulder,

You talked with him for some time, involving Jungkook in your talk so that he doesn't gets bored.

Night came, and you tugged Sumin to bed.

You turned around, not finding Jungkook. "Jungkook?" You called him, walking out.

You thought he might have gone outside because he was bored, you walked in the garden, searching him. "Jungkook?" You saw him leaning against the wall.

"Jungko-" He turned around.

You gasped, his eyes were red.

Veins were popping out of his neck and hands, a smirk on his face as he eyed you. You backed off, trying to run away from the man. "Wha-" He pushed you against the wall before you could say anything.

He kept his hands on each side of your head, breathing loudly as he looked down. He looked back at you, smiling, "Sweetie." He called you,

Goosebumps ran down your spine as you looked at him in fear, "What are you?" You whispered, asking him as you shaked. "You can guess," He chuckled, "I'll kill that man of your before your dumb mind processes what is happening." He chuckled again, and in a blink of an eye, he disappeared.

"I'll kill that man of yours."

You gasped, "Sumin!" You ran up to his room,

And you were right, he was standing there, beside his bed. "One step, and he dies." He said, a smirk on his mouth, your eyes widened, tears blurring your vision. "Pl-Please." You whispered, putting your hands in front of you.

You loved Sumin, you really did.

"What will you do if I leave him?" He asked, smirking widely.

"I'll do whatever you say." You whispered, tears coming out, his smirk widened even more,

"I am a vampire baby." He told you, your hands trembled. Vampire? They were only in movies, do how is once standing in front of you?

"I'll really do whatever you say, please leave him." You said,

"Then." He trailed off, smirk dropping.

"Leave him, and come with me."

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