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❛ A Queen ❜

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A Queen

The loud cheers of vampires filled the whole village, feasting on human blood as they celebrated the crowning of their human queen, a mere human, the grounds trembled from their joy, after decades of years, they were getting a new queen.

Your hands trembled, sweat forming on your forehead, "Mia." Hoseok breathed out, not being able to see such a scared sight of his beloved friend, after so much trouble, while the whole Traille was celebrating, the queen herself couldn't fight her own anxiety, your senses were back after three months of being locked up in this room, but you were still scared, you were terrified.

You didn't respond to his calls, you didn't talk to anyone, they were all the same, sweet outside, but devils inside. "Mia, what's wrong?" He asked, reaching out to hold you,

You moved backwards on the bed, holding onto your floral dress tightly, you pulled your knees to your chest, keeping your hands over your ears as you buried your face in your knees, not wanting to see any of these disgusting creatures, you can't trust anyone, you did, and this happened, you want to go home, you want to go to Sumin.

Hoseok sighed, "Okay, don't be scared, I'll go." He stood up, not wanting to leave you alone, as he walked out of the room with a frown.

He stopped, looking over at Jungkook, "Do you think you can hide with your powers?" He asked, feeling slightly angry at his friend's ridiculous actions, "What did you even do to make her that scared?" Jungkook stayed silent, looking down as he closed his eyes tightly, his fists clenching. "Is she still scared of me?" His voice was almost inaudible, but Hoseok's sharp senses heard him really well.

"Yes, you're a monster."

He shook his head in disappointment, walking away from the latter who stood behind the shadows, hidden.

He opened the door, gulping. "Mia?" He could hear the Satan calling you again and again, he walked closer to you, hidden.

He stood right beside you, his hand reaching out, as he paused, his hands falling by his side, "I'm sorry." He mumbled, but of course, you didn't hear it, you couldn't at him or hear him.

He sighed, walking out of the room as he walked down the hallways.

"The new Queen is ready, I think." He heard two maids say, "Let's go, if you want your head attached to your neck." Another maid retorted, glaring at her utterly annoying partner.

They both walked past Jungkook, without realsing he was standing before them. "Alright, I can't be guilty." He said, walking to his room with a heavy heart.

This has to be it,

A new Queen has to sit on the empty throne of Traille today.

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