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❛ Is it hate ❜

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Is it hate

The roars of werewolves filled the forest, as they gazed into the fire they just caused, teeth sharp and eyes as is they'll burn the next person to cross them. The leader smirked while looking at the vampires struggling, sniffling the air of Traille as he laughed coldly.

"It's time for some revenge." He mumbled, looking back at the pack of hungry wolves. "I heard the King has a Queen." Another wolf said, chuckling. "She's a human." The leader's smirk widened, as he laughed. "Amazing. Just how much of a fool is that Jungkook to make a human the Queen." His voice was deep and cold.

"Now she'll suffer." He mumbled.

Jungkook froze on his spot, as you pushed him away with all your strength. "Do you think I don't know? You killed my lo-" He gripped your neck, eyes turning darker. "He isn't your love, shut up." He said.

Tears trickled down your eyes, heart aching. His grip tightened around your neck, almost knocking you off, you didn't struggle, it was better to die than live with such an asshole.

"Fine. I killed him, what can you do now? You'll suffer here," His voice trembled somehow, not believing his own words, this wasn't what Jungkook was trying to say, he wanted everything to go back to how it was, at this point, he wished he never existed to hurt anyone, no one.

He forced himself to let go of your neck, making you rub the surface in pain, your throat was dry and soar, you never thought someone could be this cruel, and he says he loves you.

You glared at him, "Just see. I'll find my way out of this hell." You growled at him, turning on your heels and walked out, tears running down your eyes.

You walked around the big hall, wiping the salty liquid off of your cheeks and heaved a deep breathe to calm your breathes and nerves, closing your hands in tight fists as you sighed, opening the door to your named room.

You were about to close the door behind you, when your eyes fell on the window, that was sealed, now opened, the curtains flowing as the wind came inside, making the room colder.

You frowned in confusion, how did it open? Your mind told you something wasn't right, as you shuffled to the window and looked down, nothing was visible except the dark sky and cold wind blowing.

You turned around, stopping abruptly on your steps.

Your eyes widened and your mouth gaped in shock, hands trembling in utter fear, you stepped back, looking around as you gulped,

There is front of you, stood a large, grey wolf.

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