rise of the snakes. part one.

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season 1, episode 1, part 1.

YOU sat up hastily, your eyes wide as they darted around the room. Your hair, that was as messy as ever, stuck to the right side of your face. Your breathing was dangerously irregular. You placed a hand over your chest, now feeling your racing heartbeat. You took a moment to calm yourself, adjusting your body to lean against your headboard. You closed your eyes, vivid memories of the dream you had leaking into your head.


YOU were being cradled, held in your mother's arms. You feel young, about 2 years old? She looked down at you, but she didn't look happy like usual. She looked scared. A loud crash echoed from upstairs, followed by a short growl. You then watched as your mother placed you onto the table, and you were now sitting on the edge with you legs dangling, watching your mother with curious eyes. She pulled open every drawer and every cupboard, cluttering the kitchen counter. 

She looked as if she was trying to find something very important. She continued to dash around the room, clearly panicked. "Mommy? What's wrong?" your fragile voice whimpered. Your mother stopped in her tracks, turning to look at you with a frantic expression. 

She walked towards you at a fast pace, before crouching down and cupping your rosy cheeks. She looked into your eyes, tears on the verge of falling. She tried to force a smile, but it looked more like a crooked frown."Why are you crying?" you asked her. She let out a breathy laugh and looked down, before meeting your eyes once more. Tears were now streaming down her beautiful E/C eyes. "I'm sorry baby, mommy and daddy got into  an argument, so you and me are going to live somewhere else for a while."

Being young, you just nodded, not understanding what was going on. "Would you be a big girl for mommy and go and sit outside?" she asked, her voice cracking with sadness. 

You nodded once more and jumped off of the table, almost falling as you did so. You walked towards the door, turning to look at your mother one more time before walking out of the door and standing on one of the steps. 

It had been about five minutes, and there was still no sign of your mother. You sighed, placing your head in your hand as you looked through your gate, watching the rush hour traffic. You counted the cars, getting to 19 before two voices were heard inside you house. They sounded angry. And you flinched as you heard the voices getting louder and louder. You now recognised them as your mother and fathers. "For god's sake can't you stop being so selfish? Can't you see that i'm doing this for Y/N? She can't know about this, I don't want her to become some 'elemental master'. She's my daughter! She will never be like you!" your mother screamed. You cowered onto the ground, putting your hands over your ears as to shield them from the ruthless yelling coming from inside the house. You rocked back and fourth, trying desperately to silence them. "She is MY daughter also. She possess the second most powerful element, and with it, she will stand beside me, and rule ninjago! You'll see, fool." Your father spat, and then, they stopped.

The front door swung open and your mother grabbed your small wrist, almost dragging you across the gravel. She kept her eyes trained forward as she marched towards the car, yanking open the door and throwing you inside. She got into the drivers seat, slamming the door shut and starting the engine before backing out of the drive. But as you were doing so, your eyes met your fathers. His frown softened, his lips moulded into a twisted grin as he waved.

And thats where the dream ended.


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