never trust a snake. part two

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season 1, episode 4, part 2.

SHORTLY after you had broken down to Cole, he had made you a warm steaming cup of tea to calm you down. You were still shaking slightly, but you were trying to contain it to convince him, (and mostly yourself), that you were okay, but only ended up being more shaken. Cole sat down in front of you, looking at you closely as you wiped your eyes for the umpteenth time in that minute. You sipped your tea, still not feeling content enough to have the full drink.

"You didn't have to keep all of that bottled up, you know. We could've helped you, made you feel better," he said softly, trying to meet your eyes but you kept them glued to the floor in shame. "I'm sorry. I just didn't wanna look weak in front of all of you. I don't like being vulnerable." you replied, your voice almost a whisper. "I know you might not want to, but you're gonna have to tell the others sooner or later." he urged calmly, and you nodded in agreement. "I know." you sighed, rubbing your forehead in disappointment. How could you have let it go on for so long?

"I'll tell them later. I'll be ready. Anyways, I think we should get back to training before Sensei finds out," you suggested, hopping out of your seat and discarding the cup of the liquid onto the table - not to be rude to Cole or anything, but it tasted awful.

He walked alongside you, very close as you walked onto the deck. You felt the stares of everyone lingering on you as you stood there, trying not to cry again. Taking a deep breath, you stepped forwards. No one said anything. "Are we just gonna stand here or are you two going to apologize to each other?" you nagged, watching as the boys' attention was then averted onto one another. "I'm sorry for bursting out at you. I was jealous, and I still kind of am, but I'll try to put it behind me." Kai said, sounding more genuine than ever before. "I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have taunted you." Cole spoke sheepishly, embarrassed by the scene he had caused.

"On that note, let's start training before Sensei-" you were about to say, but was cut off by a booming voice. "Since you are not training, you must have already found the answer to my riddle." Sensei implied as he came closer. "What is the best way to defeat your enemy?" he asked, as you and the boys looked at each other, still clueless. Kai finally spoke up, "Uh, the best way to defeat your enemy is to train, Sensei?" Kai said unconfidently, waiting for Sensei's response. "Feeble and incorrect. Maybe more training will help you focus," Sensei confirmed, looking away from his confused students. You all sighed in unison, as sensei continued walking towards the below deck. "Remember what happened to your vehicles when you lost focus. A razor-sharp weapon is an extension of a razor-sharp mind." he finished, the doors finally closing as he disappeared behind them. You all groaned, rolling your eyes in exasperation.

"How am I supposed to focus when we don't know who the special ninja are?" Jay groaned, making everyone look at him weirdly. "What? Did I say something wrong?" he asked, double-checking his previous statement. " 'Special ninja?' Is that what you call them now?" You laughed slightly, shaking your head. "I don't want to be training all day. Let's work together on this riddle. We can figure it out," Cole said, a determined tone in his voice as leading the group back inside.

"Speaking of figuring things out, I need to tell you guys something..." you sighed, looking up a Cole and noticing the small smile of encouragement that he gave you. The boys stopped, looking at you with nothing but confusion and curiosity on their faces. "Come inside, and I'll tell you."


AFTER finally explaining your dreams and visions and whatnot, the boys began to understand your strange and sometimes abrupt behavior, the pieces fitting inside of their minds like a jigsaw. "So that's why you looked scared when I grabbed your wrist!" Kai spoke aloud, more to himself than you and the others. "It all makes sense now. We're sorry that this has been happening. You could've told us, we would've been there for you." Jay smiled softly as you looked up from the table you had been staring at the entire time. "I sense what you have been experiencing has induced quite some trauma for you. I suggest that next time something like this happens, you talk to us. We are able to help you." Zane added. Kai was silent, looking down at the floor in what looked like shame. "You okay, Kai?" you whispered, so soft that your voice sounded almost like snow. "I-I don't know what to say. I'm sorry, I should've been there for you, but I wasn't, and it's all my fault," he confessed solemnly, and you could almost feel his heartache through his words.

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