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We sat on that couch telling stories of my dad for hours. Bucky told stories of them as kids and my dad before the war. James and I told stories of our childhood with our dad and the avengers. Then Bucky asked a question we never thought we would answer "Why did he name you James?" He said to my brother. My brother looked at me, then looked down. I looked down and started talking "Where were from, you died 10 years before I was born. They took you, killed you, and my dad found you, dead. He named me after his mom, because I was a girl, and James after you because he couldn't save you. He never stopped talking about you and always blamed himself." At this point bucky was in tears and mumbled "classic steve." He looked up at James and I, "Steve blamed himself for everything," I giggled a bit cause it was true. It's nice having someone to talk about my dad with, someone who gets it. We wiped away our tears and bucky glanced at the clock on the wall. "You both need to get to bed," James and I stood up and followed bucky to the rooms on Steve's floor. There were clothes laying on the bed, thanks to happy I assume. We both got changed in our rooms and opened the doors. Bucky walked into mine and sat down on the bed I was laying in. "My dad would be happy were with you." I said, Uncle Bucky then replied "I'm glad I'm here to take care of the both of you" He brought the covers over my body and turned on a sound machine set on ocean waves. Bucky then leaned down and hugged me, "Goodnight kid," he said "Goodnight Uncle Bucky," I replied. He walked to the door and then turned back around to face me "I love you, Sarah" he spoke "I love you too, Uncle Bucky" I replied, he then walked out of the door leaving it cracked and walked into James' room to, I assume, do the same thing. He then walked to his room, on the same floor and layed in bed, he would do anything for steve, and now my brother and I too.

8 hours later....

I wake up to the sun shining through my window and a note on my bedside table. "Pepper picked an outfit our for you, and breakfast is in the kitchen.
Love, Uncle Bucky" I quickly throw on the outfit and look in the mirror pepper has a really good sense of style, I thought. I walked out to the kitchen and there sat bucky, happy, and pepper. Bucky stood up and walked over to me saying "goodmorning kid" and walking me over to the barstools at the island. I sat down and there was a paper in front of me. It asked questions like my name, age, DOB, allergies, etc. Pepper asked me to fill it out so I did. As I was filling it out she began asking me questions about my life back home, my dad, my brother, and me. She asked happy to take my brother and I out shopping to get everything we wanted and needed. After I had filled out the paper I handed it to pepper and she walked away to file it and input it into the AI system. I stood up and made a plate of the breakfast that bucky and happy made for James and I. It was actually really good. As I was eating James walked out already dressed, filled out the same paperwork I did, and ate breakfast. Bucky explained to him that we were gonna go shopping to which he gave an annoyed groan, James hated shopping I never knew why but he did. After breakfast Happy, James, and I walked to the car and drove to the mall. Happy said that there was no spending limit and we could get whatever our hearts desired as of Ms. Potts orders. We shopped for around 5 hours and then drove back to the compound. He explained that we could also order anything online using Tony's FRIDAY system. We went back to our rooms to put everything we bought away. As I was putting the last of my things away all the avengers walked into my room fully suited up. I turned around and asked if there was a mission they wanted me to accompany on. They said no and explained that they thought we might feel more comfortable formally meeting them fully suited up. Rhodey asked me to follow the group to a conference room while he grabbed James from his room. We sat in the conference room around one of tony's extravagantly large tables. Everyone introduced themselves and explained their powers. After the lovely display of powers I had to explain to them that we knew them all, just in a different timeline on another Earth. They all laughed, Bruce then spoke up to propose an avengers pizza night to which no one declined. After a fun night of pizza and conversation we all headed off to bed with bucky tucking me and James in again. I think this is gonna be a tradition, but I'm not complaining.

The First Avengers' Daughter - Sarah Rogers Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora