Together Again

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"Dad..?" His jaw dropped from the word as he began to slowly move closer. Our eyes followed his until he stood directly in front of us. "What did you say?" He asked looking back and forth between James and I. "Dad." I spoke softly, I don't think this Steve had kids. "What are your names?" He questioned, doubting we were actually his kids. "James and Sarah Rogers" James said looking down. "Sarah after..."
"And James after"
"Uncle Bucky"
"Where did you guys come from? How old are you? Why didn't I know about this...." Dad trailed off "Ill explain everything, let's sit down and talk" I said moving out of his way to follow him to the couch. "Okay" he whispered as we all made our way to the couch. "Our names are Sarah and James Rogers. I am 16 and James is 14, we are from another Earth reality. When one of you went back in time it tore a hole in the space-time continuum, forcing us through the rift. We came to the compound, and explained everything to everyone. We thought you were dead in this timeline too, so we didn't question where you were..?" I began explaining to our dad "wait, wait, wait you thought I was dead. Why?" He questioned, cutting me off "In our timeline, you died 2 years ago, on a mission. One minute you were there, talking to us through the comms and the next Uncle Sam was finding your dead body on the ground." I said, looking down on the verge of tears "oh, okay" he softly spoke "well I'm here now and I don't plan on going anywhere" he added, a bit peppier. James and I smiled when Dad suggested we get to bed because of the time. We complied as always and walked to our bathrooms to brush our teeth, do skincare, etc. Afterwards dad brought James into my room and sat on my bed looking at both of us softly. "Did you guys, uhm, inherit, the uh, the serum" he stuttered out. I looked up at him and softly said "Yes" not quite knowing what his reaction would be. "Oh, okay, good" he quickly said. He shuffled a bit before telling the both of us it was time to head to bed. James stood up off my bed and I flipped the covers on top of me, dad adjusted the covers and sat next to me, he looked down at me and said "I'm gonna make sure nothing ever happens to either of you, okay kid?" I giggled a bit and glanced down "okay, dad" I responded. When the word dad came out of my mouth his eyes softened, realizing that there was no lie in the story we had told earlier, he was our dad and now he would protect us with his life. He kissed my forehead and spoke a soft "I love you, Sarah" to which I replied "I love you too, dad" he gave me one final hug before turning on the sound machine and walking out the door. It all seemed too real to exist, we had our dad back in the weirdest way one can imagine. All I knew is that this time I would never take him for granted, I would hold my dad to the highest standard and make sure to honor him the best way I could, because he did the same thing, except for the entire country... but you get the idea. I have no clue what I would be like without my dad, from day 1 he taught me everything I know. How to be a good friend, sister, team member, captain, but most importantly a good person. Back home dad had a picture up on the wall in our living room, he said it was something that changed his life forever. It was a picture of a man and next to him a quote that read "You must promise me one thing, that you will stay who you are. Not a perfect soldier, but a good man" Dad made both James and I promise to hold that quote near and dear to our hearts until the day we die. I wouldn't be half the person I am today without my dad... anyway I really need to get to bed before dad comes in to check on me and realizes I'm not asleep. 

The First Avengers' Daughter - Sarah Rogers Where stories live. Discover now