New Kid

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"Ms. Rogers your dad is waiting for you in the front." FRIDAY spoke, making me wake up. "Let him know I'll be right down" I replied. I quickly got out of bed and put on a white cropped t-shirt with the Avengers 'A' on it and a pair of leggings. I quickly brushed out my hair, and brushed my teeth before running out of my room to get down before the new kid came. I ran outside and stood next to my dad, with Peter standing in his other side but James still running late. James came running out and stood next to me. Then a black car pulled up and Happy got out and opened the back door. A teenage boy, probably 16 got out of the car and walked over to the 4 of us. "Hi Ethan, I'm Steve Rogers and this is Sarah Rogers, James Rogers, and Peter Parker" my dad introduced. He shook all of our hands firmly, "Sarah and Peter will be touring you around the compound, and then they'll take you to the training room where James and I will be" my dad explained to the new boy. "Okay, sounds good" he replied, "Follow us" Peter said starting to walk away. We took him all the way around the compound, introducing him to everyone, explaining FRIDAY, and basically explaining how things work around here. "Monday through Friday  us kids train will Natasha and my dad, we also do school with Bruce and Tony if he's here. Then we have the day to do whatever we want" I explained as we were walking towards the elevator to take him down to the basement where we make all the suits. "So this is where Mr. Stark and I make all the suits for every avenger here" Peter explained as we began walking into the room where we had a few prototypes for his suit. "Wait, I have a question. Why do you call him Tony and you call him Mr. Stark" Ethan asked, Peter and I looked at each other before I spoke up "Tony is my uncle because Steve is my dad. Peter calls him Mr. Stark out of respect even though he knows he can call him Tony or Uncle Tony like James and I" I explained to him, "righhtt" he dragged before laughing a bit. Peter then showed him the suit prototypes, he picked the one he liked best and Peter said he would rework it to ensure the best results. "This place is huge" he said as we were taking the golf cart to the training center, "yeah, haha, Tony made it to fit all the Avengers and all of their needs so it's pretty big" I replied. The 3 of us got off the golf cart and walked into the training center where we were greeted by Natasha, my dad, and my brother. Natasha explained that he was gonna spar with each of them to evaluate his training level and that he wasn't allowed to use his powers. They sparred and he took down my brother and Natasha but failed to take down my dad. Not surprising. They told him that was it for the day and Peter and I took him up to Peter's floor to show him his room. "This is your bedroom, Peter's is right next door and you'll be able to buy decorations, clothes, and customise it when Happy and I take you out tomorrow. Okay?" I told him because Peter was frantically cleaning the rest of the floor because he didn't keep his floor the cleanest. "I mean okay" he replied. "Anything else you want or need to know?" I asked trying to make sure he was prepared. "Uh yeah, why are you taking me around instead of Peter or James?" He asked me, I giggled and replied "I'm further in my training then they are, so the adults trust me more. Peter is also going out with Tony tomorrow so he won't be at the compound." He nodded and just said "okay" Peter came in and I told them I would leave them to it and left to go back down to my floor, I would see them in 30 minutes or so for dinner but I changed and took off my makeup. I changed into gray sweatpants and a sports bra that didn't look like one. The neck was high and the bottom came to the middle of my stomach because it had criss cross straps at the bottom. I put my hair into a messy bun and walked downstairs and sat at the dinner table. We wanted Ethan to feel apart of the family so we did a family dinner. Everyone ate and we had pretty good conversation. My dad tucked my brother and I in, he also went up to Peter's floor to say goodnight to Peter and talk to Ethan. I guess the conversation was good because dad came back down and went to bed like usual, if anything had gone seriously wrong he would've talked to me about it.

The First Avengers' Daughter - Sarah Rogers Where stories live. Discover now