Laser Tag

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I woke up to the sound of FRIDAY's voice as usual. I quickly got up and threw on one of Tony's billions of pieces of training gear he made for the team when he was bored. This one specifically was a small avengers logo on the front and the word 'Rogers' written in big letters across the top of the back. The whole team had their own, with their own names tattooed across the back, I even helped Tony design some back home. I also put on a pair of tony-made leggings that said avenger up the left leg with my dad's shield at the end of the word. I ran downstairs to find Banner wearing his version of the same tanktop. Him and I stared at each other for a little until he said, "nope, you gotta change I wore it first" I laughed and told him that it really didn't matter because we had different names on the back. That's when Rhodey walked out, "Sarah why are you coordinating shirts with banner, he has terrible fashion sense?" He sarcastically commented, "just a coincidence, Rhodes" I replied and sat down to eat. We all finished breakfast and before going to training I ran upstairs to change my tanktop. I changed into a tanktop that said Daughter America on the back with my dad's shield emblem and the avengers logo combined on the front. The circle was made of my dad's shield with the avengers 'A' on top of it. Training went as normal and afterwards the "Young Avengers" as the adults, well mostly Tony, calls us that, were trying to find something to do. We asked FRIDAY was fun things there are to do and she suggested laser tag. We asked the adults and they agreed on one condition, no super powers. The grown ups never let us play games using powers unless they were at the compound, this was for multiple reasons which im guessing you can assume. We agreed and took Uncle Tony's old Rolls Royce that he doesn't use anymore, and frankly leaves at the compound for us to take on outings. Im the only one with a driver's license so I drove, and we got there with no issues. I parked and we all got out of the car, we went up to the counter and asked for 1 round of laser tag for 3 people, we paid and got walked into the back to get the guns and our vests. Laser tag is a hard game to win when all your friends are trained assassins, have super powers, and can hit the middle of a target with their eyes closed, but it's easy when their dumb. We walked into the room in which all the lights were out, and the room was lit by only blacklights. We had played laser tag before and all came dressed in all black, we were taking no chances. We were given 30 seconds to split up, find bases, and hide. After the 30 seconds was up we were free reign on each other. I stood there for a little and strategized, unlike the boys who I heard just running around shooting each other. I saw them from my base and decided to take them both out. I moved around the wall I was behind and moved to where I could see them but they couldn't see me. I shot James first since he was turned around trying to find Peter, his gun made a noise insinuating he was shot and he quickly turned around wondering where and who shot him. I quickly ducked back behind a wall before he caught notice of me. "NO POWERS, PARKER" James screamed into thin air, thinking Peter was on the ceiling, "I'M ON THE GROUND, ROGERS" Peter hollered back. I quietly giggled and stealthy moved around to find Peter and shoot him. The point of this specific laser tag place isn't to shoot as many people as you can, it's to not get shot. Luckily, Peter and James had both been shot by now. I saw Peter and ducked back behind a wall, he spotted James and turned to shoot him, I put my gun above the wall and fired at his side. His gun flashed signaling he had been shot, he groaned and ducked down so my brother wouldn't shoot him. Luckily he was still in my line of view so I shot him again. He whined, "What the fuck, Rogers" He hollered at my brother, not knowing I was there. "I didn't even shoot you, Parker" James replied, "Fucking, Sarah" Peter screamed. At this point I was back at my base, as Peter searched his surrounding area for me. I made my way back to James, I popped up behind him and shot him, while his gun was temporarily not working. I found a place to hide. I was not trying to get shot although at that point, unless they ganged up on me, the victory was mine. James jumped on top of the walls in an attempt to shoot me. I quickly did a side-aerial making him miss the shot. "No powers" he whined, I giggled and replied "It's not a power if normal humans can do it" I then shot him doing a backflip, and ran back to my base. "Cheater" I heard James say. I got back to my base right as an announcement came on saying that the game was over and we needed to head towards the door. James and I walked to the door wondering where Peter was because he wasn't walking with us that's when I saw him walking down the wall where the door was, just to annoy him I snappily said "better hope they aren't any cameras in here" with a smirk on my face. He turned around and flipped me off mumbling "Fuck" under his breath. We walked out of the room, and the worker announced that I had won, the boys rolled their eyes and we headed back to the compound.

The First Avengers' Daughter - Sarah Rogers Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora