Wakanda pt. 1

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I shuffled out of bed as FRIDAY read off what I needed to do that day. I threw on a pair of leggings, just plain black and a crop top with the cap logo on it. I went downstairs and saw Rhodey, Banner, Wanda, Bucky, and Sam all sitting in the living room playing jenga. "Anyone want breakfast" I yelled from the kitchen, "yes, please" "yeah" "that'd be great" they yelled back. I started making pancakes of all kinds, bacon, eggs, etc. As I was pulling the first tray of bacon out of the oven Ethan and Peter walked down offering their assistance. Peter made the eggs, Ethan did bacon, and I was doing pancakes. I knew everyone's favorite types of pancakes that's why I was making them. About an hour later we had everything ready, I asked FRIDAY to send a mass text to the avengers that breakfast was on the main floor in the main kitchen. The text was sent and a few minutes later the group of hungry hungry hippos came running. "You didn't have to do this" my dad said picking up his tray of pancakes, "eh, I felt like it" I replied and he nodded and walked over to the plate of bacon. We sat at the table and everyone thanked me for breakfast. I said you're welcome and he all had a peaceful breakfast. "Hey, we should go visit Shuri. You know take Ethan to meet her" Peter suggested as we were sitting on the bean bag chairs trying to figure out something to do. "That's a good idea, I'll ask the parents" I replied to Peter, "who's Shuri" Ethan asked, "She's an avenger, like us, but she lives in another country, so we don't get to see her often" Peter explained. "Tony said okay, my dad said bring Bucky and T'Challa said let him know when were there so he can open the barrier" I said, cutting Peter off. I texted Bucky telling him he was our chaperone to Wakanda, he said okay. Bucky loved Wakanda, how quiet and peaceful, how there was a barrier so no one unwanted could get in, how everyone there lived a life much simpler than his own. We took the golf cart to the big ship since Tony kept it pretty far from the main building, Bucky opened the ship and unlocked it with his hand and voice. We told the system who he was with and where we were going. She asked us to fasten our belts and sit down, which we did, the ship took off and we were on our way. "So what is... Wakanda" Ethan asked about 30 minutes into the trip, we looked around at each other trying to think of who could explain it best. "Its a country with very advanced technology that isolated themselves for hundreds and thousands of years, a few years ago they opened their borders and I stayed there for a while when I was, ughrm, recovering" Bucky explained, "So when the guy said a barrier" Ethan continued, "there's a barrier that from the outside camouflages the outside making it look like a plain wooded area, but inside the barrier is a technologically advanced country, much more protected than our own" I explained. "Ohhhh, okay" Ethan said still confused. The flight wasn't long because of the advanced ship and the entertainment on board. "We're 2 minutes out, can't wait to see y'all" I texted T'Challa, "We see you, barriers open" he responded. We landed and were greeted by T'Challa and Shuri. Shuri and I ran up to each other and hugged, then she hugged Peter, Bucky, and James. "Hey, I'm Shuri" she said to Ethan while dapping him up. Peter, Bucky, James, and I all hugged T'Challa and he introduced himself to Ethan. "You guys have got to see what I made in the lab" Shuri said excitedly before we all took off running down to the lab. Bucky stayed behind and talked to T'Challa, updating him on how he's doing and how were doing as they were taking their time walking down to the lab.

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