New Avengers

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I woke up from the sun through my windows and got up out of bed to get dressed. I went downstairs to the main kitchen, as FRIDAY instructed. The avengers, James, and I all sat down and they explained that James and I would continue where we left off in training and school on our earth. We said okay, after all we had been doing that schedule since age 5 so we were happy to able to continue training the way we used to. James and took the elevator back up to our rooms to change into our suits. We went down to the tarmac where we were met by Sam, Bucky, and Natasha. [AN: she's not dead in this timeline]
We decided to warm up by doing a 5 mile run around the compound. Bucky joined us but Sam opted out due to past running with Rogers'. We finished the warm up and Nat took us into the training center to begin. Aunt Natasha in our world had taught us everything we knew. Every kick, punch, trick, and flip we knew was from her, with help from my dad of course. Nat sparred with me a bit before asking me if the other her had taught me her classic leg-choke move, to which I replied no. That's when Peter walked in the training center because he also trains with Nat. "Oh, perfect come here Peter!" She spoke, "uh okay?" Peter replied as he ducked into the ring. "Stand over there for a sec," Aunt Nat said to peter while pointing to the furthest corner. She instructed me on how to do the move, then moved peter in front of me, so I could attempt it on him. Peter and I began to throw punches and combos until I saw the perfect opportunity to do the move, so I did. I quickly threw my legs around peters neck, spinning around, and throwing him to the ground. He groaned lying on the mat "not cool. What was that for?" I giggled "training, duh" Nat stood in the corner trying to contain her laughs, she then walked over a standing me, and an on the floor peter. She looked at me "Good job, Sarah. Let's take a break, bring your brother in." She said "Okay," I responded with a smile. "That was not cool aunt Natasha" peter said slowly getting up off the ground. "You'll be fine Peter" she laughed off. My brother walked in to train with Peter and Nat. While I walked out to the grass where Bucky was to do obstacle training. James and I's lives back home consisted of training, school, and missions. We always had fun because we were surrounded by our friends and family so we never complained. Bucky and Bruce had set up a course consisting of cars, walls, flying objects, civilians, etc. Bucky and I ran the course together and did pretty damn good If I do say so myself. Bucky decided we should do some shield practice so he began telling me to aim for certain things and we did some shield sparring. After 2 hours of training James, Peter, and I walked into the school room to begin our classes. We sat down at the desks Tony made for peter and possible new recruits that were kids. The desks had FRIDAY's system installed into them, as most things in the compound did. Dr. Banner taught the lessons in History, Science, Math, and English. We all took notes and listened closely. James and I always loved school, it was entertaining, interesting, and dad said it would make us better Avengers than he was. We finished school around 1pm and walked to the main kitchen to get lunch. Someone, Scott I assume, ordered pizza to the compound so that's what we ate. James and I then went back to our rooms to change, and peter went back to his to do the same. We then got a message from FRIDAY instructing us to go to Tony's lab....

[AN: I hope y'all are enjoying the story so far, I'm going to try and update daily, and please leave any feedback you may have!]

The First Avengers' Daughter - Sarah Rogers Where stories live. Discover now