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"How was laser tag" my dad asked right when we walked in. "Sarah cheated" James commented with a snarky attitude, "Sarahhh" my dad dragged. I rolled my eyes and turned to look at him, "I did not cheat. I did a side aerial and James says it's cheating but technically it's not a power because normal humans can do it" I explained. "She's kinda got a point there, J." My dad said trying not to take sides, "whatever" James replied back before walking off. "I won" I said as I smirked and tilted my head slightly, "I know, kiddo" my dad replied. The boys and I were bored so we were trying to think of something to do. "War?" Peter suggested, "OOO, yes" James responded, "absolutely" I added. War is when we suit up and fight each other usually 1 on 1, no grown ups allowed. Whoever loses the first round fights the extra person (if there is one) and the winner of that match fights the winner of the first round. This game was all-powers and any costs, besides killing each other of course. We threw on our suits and went out to the lawn. "Tony is nottt gonna be happy about this" I laughed to the boys, "yeah" they chuckled. James and I decided we would fight first since we have the same powers. Peter called out "War" and James and I began to fight. James threw a punch at me so I blocked it with my shield then flipped over him, tripping him from behind. He landed hard on the grass, he then quickly jumped up to his feet not wanting to lose. I ultimately beat out James because he doesn't have the same experience I do. Peter and James fought and im guessing you can assume who won (it was peter). It was then Peter and I's turn to fight. James called out "War" and the war began. Peters first instinct was to try and web me, so I quickly flipped out of the way. I then got close enough to do some hand-to-hand combat. Peter was a fun opponent because him and I were at pretty much the same level in our training. However I loved pulling tricks on Peter, so when he turned slightly to throw a punch I slipped out of his line of view. I then flipped him over me and he landed flat on his back. James called game and I helped Peter up. "What did you just do" Peter grumbled, "a trick" I responded while giggling. "How much time did you spend with Loki on your Earth?" He questioned, "uh, a lot?" I responded in a slightly sarcastic voice. "Explains a lot" Peter mumbled as we made our way back inside. I changed into a "keep calm and assemble" hoodie and a pair of nike pro's. It was all a pretty normal night until around 8 when we got a notification from FRIDAY telling us to go down to the main living room. We walked into the living room greeted by every avenger living OR visiting the compound. "What is happening?" James asked more confused than a deer in headlights. "We have some, uh, news"  Banner spoke softly. "And what is that news?" I asked trying to coerce them along, "there is a new teenager who's gonna train with us, well you guys" Natasha said. "ooo, That's exciting, when are they coming?" I asked whoever was willing to answer, "Tomorrow" Rhodey said, "what floor will they be on?" Peter asked, wanting a roomate, well floormate. "For right now, yours Peter" Happy said, "dope" Peter responded. "Alright, everyone let's get to bed" my dad started. Peter, James, and I all got up. Peter went to his floor and James and I went to our dad's. Dad tucked James and I in like usual, then he went up to Peter's floor to ensure he was okay and getting ready for bed. Peter's Aunt May basically let's Peter live at the compound because of his training, she knows Tony and the rest of the Avengers will take very good care of him. His best friend, ned and his girlfriend, MJ come around all the time and are always welcomed. But there are times where Peter feels really alone having a floor all to himself, so having someone on the floor with him I think will help him a lot.

The First Avengers' Daughter - Sarah Rogers Where stories live. Discover now