Water War

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We arrived back and the compound and Ethan went upstairs to put his stuff away. About 30 minutes later he came back down to where James, Peter, and I were sitting. "So what do we do now?" He asked sitting next to James. "Whatever we want, really" Peter replied, scrolling on his phone. "Any ideas" James asked, and we all shook our heads no. That's when Bucky walked over to us with an evil smirk on his face. "Yes, Uncle Bucky" I questioned for the simple reason he was just standing there staring at us. "Would you guys be interested in solving a disagreement me and your dad are having" he asked us, we looked around at each other and back at him. "What's the disagreement about" James asked. "Who would win in a fight" Bucky replied, this was actually quite normal of them. No matter how old my dad got Bucky always brought out his inner child. "What do we have to do?" Peter asked giggling, "be on my team in a water gun fight?" He said questionably, James and I rolled our eyes because our dad would murder us if we weren't on his team. Bucky saw this and pointed at James, "you're literally named after me, pleaaseeeee" he begged. "How about this, James and Peter on your team and Ethan and I on my dad's team so he doesn't get on my dad's bad side" I proposed to them. "WORKS!" Bucky said cheerily and sprinted back to the elevator. Peter and Ethan went down to their floor to change into swimsuits and James and I went back to our rooms to do the same. "Hey, what did Sarah mean by her dad's bad side" Ethan asked Peter sticking his head out of his door so Peter could hear him, "it just takes her dad a while to trust new recruits" Peter replied. "The first time we met we were on opposing teams and it took him years to trust me" Peter continued, "So it's really just so he chills a bit more" Peter finished. "So me being on her dad's team shows him that im trustworthy?" He said questionably, "pretty much" Peter replied laughing. "You gotta understand that her dad is like 100 years old and he trusts no one until they earn his trust" Peter said as they were making their way to the elevator. "Makes sense" Ethan replied as they stepped into the elevator and clicked our floor symbolised in the elevator as my dad's shield. I walked out in a pair of ripped jean shorts and a bikini top. James came out shirtless in swim trunks. We grabbed some of the water guns my dad hid on the floor for 'emergencies' and made our way downstairs. We walked out onto the lawn and there were two rows, one with my dad in the middle and the other with Bucky. Looking like they were about to refight World War 2. We walked to our sides and my dad mumbled traitor at my brother. I just laughed and stood next to him. A horn went off and sure enough we all started firing water at each other. This went on for about an hour until Bucky ended up with a water gun to Steve's head screaming "admit it" at him, my dad screamed back "never" knowing Bucky wouldn't hurt a hair on his head. My dad eventually admitted Bucky would win solely because he had special training when he was brainwashed. "Hotdogs and Burgers" my dad proposed to the squad of soaking wet avengers. Everyone agreed and we all went to the big pool by the grill. Ethan and I helped my dad get the ingredients from the main kitchen to the main outside pool. After we helped him set everything up I took off my shorts and jumped into the pool. Ethan jumped in behind me. A bunch of us played a friendly game of volleyball, the game ended when my dad called out "FOODS READY" we all jumped out and got food before sitting down altogether at a table. We ate and got seconds, some people even for thirds, I didn't. After eating I jumped back into the pool, "YOU'RE GONNA CRAMP" my dad yelled, I rolled my eyes, "PROTECTIVE SYSTEM OF REGENRATION AND HEALING" I screamed back, he rolled his eyes at me. He was your average dad and would forget that we were all nowhere near average people.

The First Avengers' Daughter - Sarah Rogers Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora