Mall with Ethan

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I woke up and quickly got dressed. I headed downstairs and said goodmorning to everyone. I texted Peter and asked if him and Ethan were up yet. He said yes and they walked out of the elevator. Tony was at the kitchen island with Morgan because the three of them were gonna go do something, then they would all go to the cabin so Tony and Peter could work on some tech stuff. My dad asked if we wanted breakfast and I said we were gonna stop by Starbucks, he said okay and told me to go get James up. I headed back up to our floor and walked into James' room. I requested FRIDAY to play Katy Perry's Last Friday Night on full blast. FRIDAY complied and the song came on, I jumped on his bed while the song was blasting. "FRIDAY SHUT IT OFF" James screamed, I laughed and plopped down on his bed. "Dad told me to get you up, you have training in 30" I told him getting up off his bed and walking out. He got dressed and came down. "Never send Sarah to wake me up again" he groaned to my dad. Ethan and I were already on our way out, so he couldn't get mad at me. We got in the car and I told Happy i wanted to stop at Starbucks, he said okay and we made our way over there. "You've lived like this your whole life?" Ethan asked me, "Uh, yeah the only time I really go out without Happy is when im with Peter and James" I told him, he looked shocked and then asked, "What was it like? Growing up with people like them around" he seemed amazed that one could be born into such a functionally dysfunctional family, "I had everything I needed. Natasha, my dad, and Bucky trained me, Banner and Tony taught me, and I've always had James and Peter as my best friends and Happy available for whatever I needed" I told him, slowly realizing how priviledged I was to give such incredible people around me. "Don't think you'll be treated any different just because you're not related to anyone, were all your family now" I explained, seeing how worried he was that he was gonna somehow mess up the flow of things. "I never had a family" he said softly, looking down "from this day forward you will always have a family" I told him, putting my hand on his arm. We pulled into the Starbucks drive through and Happy asked us what we wanted. We told him and pulled up to the window, he paid and we got our food. "Thanks, Happy" we both said, "no problem, kiddo" he replied. We got to the mall and I told Happy to stay in the car. He asked if I was sure and I said yes, we walked into the mall. "So does your dad ever leave the compound?" Ethan asked, I laughed and replied "Mostly only for missions, unless he's in disguise. He gets recognized a lot and if he does go out James and I aren't with him." I told him, "makes sense I guess" we walked into a store, I didn't know what it was but Ethan seemed to like the clothes there. He walked up to a t-shirt with my dad's shield on it. "Must be weird seeing your dad's shield everywhere" he said, grabbing the shirt and looking at it, "sometimes it's weird, you know I forget a lot. That my dad is THE Captain America" I said grabbing the shirt off of the rack, "How does one forget their dad is Captain America" he questioned beginning to walk over to another rack of clothes, "I guess because to me he's always just been, dad, sure him and I go on missions together, and I train with him but I've never known anything else. So when were talking about saving the world it's just a normal Tuesday" I told him, looking at the clothes he was grabbing. We walked over to the checkout and put everything up on the counter, including the Captain America shirt. The worker checked everything and I put my phone up to the thing and paid for everything on the avengers card. We grabbed the bags and walked out. He told me I didn't have to pay and I told him I didn't pay for anything, "it's a company card" I told him, it was the card we used for new people to buy them clothes and stuff before we can give them their own cards. He said okay and I asked if he wanted to go anywhere else. He said no everything else he would order online, I said okay and we left.

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