First Mission pt. 1

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I woke up to FRIDAY's voice telling me I needed to get up and get ready for the day. I lied in bed for a few minutes before rolling out of bed and grabbing a pair of black leggings and a baby pink Nike tank top and put them on before walking out to the kitchen where my dad, James, and a few of the other avengers were. "Waking up late gonna be a habit?" My dad asked sarcastically, he really wasn't too far off from my dad back in our world "Yea, she's always late" James replied, I glared at him for the answer and then continued eating. On days with missions the person (people) completing the mission only do a small bit or training and no school, I don't know why it's that way, but here we are. I asked dad if I could go shopping for a few hours, since the mission wasn't until tonight. He complied and told me to take Happy with me, I rolled my eyes and told him it would just draw attention to me. He disagreed and told Happy to pull the car around. I took the elevator downstairs and met Happy at the car, we drove out to the mall and went shopping. As I suspected being with a security guard (Happy) drew attention to me and made everyone question who I was. We shopped for 2 hours or so as I promised dad I would be home by 2 so I could do a bit of training. We got home and Happy said he would take all my bags upstairs. I thanked him and began walking across the compound to the training center. There I was met with both my dad and Natasha standing in the ring. I ducked in and they immediately began sparring with me 2 against 1. I took the challenge and quickly brought Natasha down to the ground. Sparring with my dad was a bit harder because we have the same powers but I was eventually able to throw him out of the ring, causing him to tap out. "Damn, she really is good" he groaned out "yeah, well we trained her" Natasha replied laughing. "You both did an incredible job, and I couldn't ask for better trainers" I complimented the two and my dad responded with a "hell yeah" high fiving Natasha. I walked out of the ring and ran back upstairs. The mission began at 7 and it was currently 3. I sat down in my room for a bit, watched some Netflix and made a smoothie. Around 5 I started doing my makeup, I ended up with a brown smokey eye, with a red lip. I then did my hair up into a fancy half-up half-down updo. By this time it was 6 so I threw on my dress, jewelry, and shoes and headed downstairs. This was an undercover mission at a high-class party so Happy took us in Tony's Rolls Royce.
At the mission
We got out of the car separately so nothing seemed suspicious. I headed to my area and Natasha to hers. "Are you in place?" She asked through the comms, I responded with a quick "affirmative." She grabbed a drink and I began to mingle, the most important part of undercover missions is blending in. I was talking to a few people when I spotted our target. I asked to be excused and walked away just far enough just far enough to let Nat know that I had eyes on the target. She told me she was gonna move in so I guarded a side room that we could take him into to remove him from the crowd. Nat walked up to him and began to flirt, it is truly one of her many talents, she spotted me and began leading him to the room as I stepped away to look like I was doing something. She walked him into the room and nodded her head for me to come too. I walked in, closed the door, and locked it. Natasha quickly put him in a head-lock which caused him to begin to fight back. She lost a hold on him and he quickly turned around to fight her, that's when I stepped in and attacked him from behind. Natasha let me handle as much as I could, she wanted to analyze as much of my skill as she could. As I was fighting with the target I snaked around him and was able to get his head into a head lock and flip him over me onto the floor. Natasha checked for a pulse and confirmed there was none. We walked out of the room separately and headed back out to the car which we instructed Happy to pull around on our way out.....

The First Avengers' Daughter - Sarah Rogers Where stories live. Discover now