Test Day Pt. 2

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I woke up to the sound of FRIDAY's calming voice as always. I pulled the covers off of me, clapped for my lights to come on, and grabbed an outfit out of my closet. I walked into my bathroom, rubbing my eyes and threw on my clothes. I brushed my teeth and hair, put my hair up into a ponytail, and did a little bit of makeup. Today was test day 2 therefore there was no athletic training, just spending the day with Bruce and Tony decoding software they made beforehand. I walked downstairs and saw Bucky standing in the kitchen. I hugged him, "Goodmorning sport" he said all peppy, I groaned, "goodmorning uncle Buck" I replied before walking over to the island and sitting down. He made me some chocolate chip and banana pancakes along with the boys' favorites. Dad walked out in a tank top and some sweatpants, he came over to me and hugged me, "goodmorning kiddo" he said still groggy, "goodmorning dad" I responded slightly more awake. He walked over to the coffee pot and poured himself a cup adding in cream and sugar before sipping it. Dad came and sat down next to me and Bucky sat next to him. "You ready for today?" Bucky asked putting an obnoxious amount of syrup on his pancakes, "yea, I think I'll do fine" I replied slowly taking the syrup away from his hands. James, Peter, and Ethan all came down together and said goodmorning to dad and Bucky, they ate their pancakes and we made small talk. Dad offered to do the dishes and Bucky helped him, the 4 of us made our way to the lab/classroom where Bruce was. "Where's Tony?" I asked walking in, he never missed test day 2 because they were his systems we were decoding. "He'll be here in a minute" Bruce replied; we sat at our "desks" and whipped out our computers. Tony walked in and we all jumped up, "it's so good to see you, uncle tony" I said giving him a tight hug. We all sat back down after giving Tony hugs. "This system I programmed is supposed to be impossible to decode, I've discussed this with Steve and if you are able to decode 15% of this system you will pass." He explained, tony always said his systems were "impossible" to decode but luckily I knew tony and once you hit a certain spot within the system, it wasn't hard to finish. We had around 3 hours to get it done and as soon as Bruce hit the timer our fingers were off. Entering line after line of code, slowly breaking down the encripted system Tony had created. Around the 2 hour mark I had broken through about 75% of his system, upon digging a bit deeper I hit that spot I mentioned earlier. The coding became very simple and not hard to decript at all. I ended up finishing the depcription right as the timer went off. Tony walked around and told each of us how much of his code we had broken. 25% for Ethan in his defense he's new at this, 55% for James, 85% for Peter, and of course I broke the entire code. Tony gave us all the okay to go and we did. The rest of the day was chill, we played family games, and caught up with Tony. We ended the night by talking about life and fun stories we have of each other, those never get old. It's night's like these when it's easy to see that the Avengers aren't coworkers or friends, were a family.

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