pt. 1

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baekhyun had only went in the bookstore for a much needed textbook for his upcoming assignment.

he didn't mean to bump into him.

he was planning on just buying the book altogether but he had another plan in mind.

he made his way up to the counter, waiting for the small male to notice him.

"hello, how may i help you?"

deep, milky voice.

baekhyun licked his lips before speaking, "can i borrow this book instead of buying it? i just need it for an assignment."

"sure, how long will you be using it for?"

round eyes, alert but almost entirely away in another world.

"the assignment's due in 3 weeks, so about then." baekhyun tapped his fingers on the counter, his eyes never leaving the male's face.

big velvety lips, a small red cut from a possible chewing habit.

"how about i pay up every week? like a sort of loan." baekhyun replied, a hopeful glint in his eyes.

"how would i know you're not gonna take the book and never come back?" the bookstore employee chuckled.

baekhyun felt his heart flutter at the toothy smile, watching his lips form a heart shape before dropping as did his soft grin.

"you can trust me," baekhyun's eyes flickered to the male's name tag.



baekhyun threw the book on his bed when he got back to his apartment, which wasn't too far. just above kyungsoo. just where he liked to be.

he grabbed his laptop, pulling it open, with a few keyboard clicks he was on instagram. he looked at the red circle indicating he had new messages.

he clicked, looking at some from his current partner who was his most recent obsession, the thought of him was rather boring now.

oohsehun: hey, we gotta talk.

oohsehun: can you call me?

baekhyun rolled his eyes and clicked the facetime button, wanting to see sehun's face, wanting to know if he got that same feeling he did with the bookstore employee today.

"hey, babe."

boring, familiar voice.

"hey," baekhyun put on a smile, although this call irritated him deep down, "what did you want to talk about?"

sehun let out a sigh, "i'm just gonna get straight to the point."

thin, plain lips.

"i think we should break up."

dull, empty eyes.

"wh—why?" baekhyun stuttered, feeling as if he'd put on a show for the younger.

"i'm sorry, it's just— you were so clingy and it wasn't working out."

baekhyun let a tear slip down his cheek, "wh—what do you mean i was clingy? i was just caring about you!"

"i know," sehun sighed, "but then you got so distant and then clingy again and sometimes i'd see you looking at other guys."

baekhyun let a sob escape his mouth, quite pleased by how believable it sounded, "that's n—not true at all! i never thought of anyone else but you!"

that was a lie and baekhyun knew it was.

the facetime call continued, baekhyun putting on a show, constantly wiping his tears and ugly crying in front of sehun, begging him to stay and that he was making a mistake.

baekhyun wanted to go down the path of blackmail, that he'd end up hurting himself if sehun left but he figured that was too extreme.

"i'm sorry, baekhyun," sehun sighed, "you're just too complicated."

the call ended with a beep.

baekhyun's face fell blank, there was no need to be desperately balling his eyes out, to be crying or sobbing. if he had to be honest, it was rather tiring.

he let out a sigh as he minimised his web browser, going to the folder on his desktop, that was labelled, 'sehun'.

he moved it into another folder of his previous obsession, sehun slotted between kim minseok and park chanyeol, too very different people. sehun was a mixture of both of them in baekhyun's eyes.

everyone was the same to the small male.

everyone was either similar to another person, no one entirely different, not exactly exciting. 

the rush did last for the beginning though, doing things that baekhyun knew he shouldn't. following them, finding out about them, squeezing himself into their lives' as a friend of a friend before getting to his prey.

and then he could do what he wanted. mould their lives however he pleased, they were all like clay in the hands of an eager five year old. that was the interesting thing about people, the thing he enjoyed the most.

he put on his favourite song playlist, it sometimes took him hours to find someone's profile, or a small piece information about them that he could put together to finish the puzzle that was a stranger.

he opened his desk drawer and put on a refreshing skin mask, not wanting his salty tears to damage his sensitive skin. he needed to look his best for kyungsoo.

he opened his web browser again. typing in a name he knew he wouldn't forget.

the name of what he deemed as his new obsession.


he searched it on everywhere he could think of, instagram, google, facebook, twitter.

until something popped up.

it was a facebook post under the bookstore's page.

'please, welcome our new addition to the team, do kyungsoo! he'll be starting next friday.'

today was saturday. baekhyun felt lucky and even more because now he knew the male's full name.

he stared at the picture attached to the post, he bit his lip. it was kyungsoo, that perfect heart-shaped smile, his glistening white teeth and dark chocolate eyes.

something about the male's appearance was refreshing.

like taking a deep breath of clean air after spending forever in a stuffy, enclosed room.

kyungsoo was a breath of fresh air compared to everyone else.

baekhyun saved the photo to his desktop, his first ever photo of the male he met a couple minutes ago.

he moved the photo into a fresh folder under the name, 'kyungsoo'.

he turned back on his swivel chair, letting out a hopeful sigh, the corners of his lips curling into a smile. he had something to look forward to, something to stay hopeful about.

he had his new obsession.

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