pt. 14

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it didn't take long for their feet to make their way back to the familiar route to baekhyun's apartment.

their speed started to pick up as the snow wasn't so romantic anymore, it was just bitterly cold and the thought of baekhyun's apartment seemed nice.

baekhyun didn't hesitate on pulling out his keys as they both dashed up the stairs to escape the freezing cold.

but inside the apartment wasn't that better.

"god, it's freezing in here!" kyungsoo exclaimed.

"yeah, well, the heating is broken," baekhyun rubbed the nape of neck, "you'll get used to it." he assured as he closed the front door behind them, turning around to lock eyes with kyungsoo.

"what did you want me here for?" the latter questioned as he folded his arms.

baekhyun noticing the teasing glimmer in his eyes, "i think you know." baekhyun smirked slightly, the kiss sparking something deep down, a fire that he'd been keeping contained every passing day when he was with kyungsoo but he couldn't control it anymore.

he slowly stepped forward until he was directly in front of kyungsoo, "are you gonna make me say it? or can we just get it started?"

baekhyun was taken aback when kyungsoo was the first to lean in, their lips latching against one another, just the same way a few minutes ago, only more needy as their movements began to speed up.

baekhyun hands latched onto the scarf still wrapped around kyungsoo's neck, he wanted it off, he needed it off because his lips were wanting to explore more places than just kyungsoo's mouth.

lips were soon replaced with tongues, baekhyun's kisses beginning to trail from kyungsoo' lips down to his now exposed neck.

"it's too cold for this." kyungsoo muttered, baekhyun hearing his breath suddenly hitching when he nibbled a bit too harshly on his neck.

"i'll warm you up." baekhyun chuckled when kyungsoo only rolled his eyes in response.

"was that a yes?"

baekhyun got his response when kyungsoo grabbed his wrist firmly, leading them both into baekhyun's bedroom.

their lips met once more before kyungsoo pulled away, baekhyun watching him as he unzipped his coat, baekhyun soon following his lead.

he took it as a yes, he'd take any response as a yes because right now, kyungsoo was going to be his.

he had him all to himself tonight.


baekhyun's eyes slowly opened, his mind slowly registering last night. he couldn't believe it actually happened, just him and kyungsoo.

he smiled softly to himself as he sighed contently, turning over on his bed to be greeted by a certain someone that he'd been waiting to wake up to for a long time.

his smile suddenly dropped, to his dismay kyungsoo wasn't there.

the covers beside him was slightly disturbed and there was the lack of warmth from kyungsoo.

baekhyun knew he couldn't of imagined all of this, especially when he looked down under the covers, he had no clothes on. he couldn't of vividly sleep walked and took his clothes off in the process.

he slowly sat up, his movements feeling heavy; his heart feeling heavy because, where was kyungsoo?

he was needing him again, needing him more than after their first time together in his apartment because what they shared was more than a simple dinner.

he slowly got up out of bed, his eyes trailing the dark wooden floor, it was only his clothes there. did kyungsoo take this as a one night stand?

baekhyun froze at the thought, in fact, he nearly screamed out at the thought. all this work, for nothing. it couldn't have been a one night stand. kyungsoo wasn't made to be just a one night stand.

he made his way into his bathroom, deciding on freshening up and going on a small travel downstairs to where kyungsoo was. he knew where to find him.


once washed and most importantly dressed, he made his way out into his living room, the lack of a certain male crushing him even more. he entered his small kitchen, deciding on breakfast to try and resolve the empty feeling he felt all over.

he slowly stopped. the cold tile unbearable on his bare feet but he couldn't move at the sight of breakfast made for him.

kyungsoo made this for him.

baekhyun slowly made his way over, his eyes falling on the basic piece of toast and fresh fruit beside it, the empty feeling he once felt slowly drifting away, being replaced with a much more warm and soothing feeling.

kyungsoo thought of him.

his fingers traced over the small swirls of kyungsoo's handwriting on the sticky note placed beside his place of breakfast.

a note for you because you really need to buy food in, the fridge was empty. so i bought you bread and fruit but you can do this rest. do you know you're a really deep sleeper? you slept the whole time i was away. anyways, you know where to find me.

ps. thanks for last night.


baekhyun chuckled softly to himself at the note left for him, imagining kyungsoo's deep voice scolding at him for being so careless about himself.

but kyungsoo didn't know the main reason for that and that was because of him, always being baekhyun's number one priority of the day.

baekhyun's panicked thoughts were quickly washed away with the new thoughts that kyungsoo wasn't a one night stand.

baekhyun was beginning to slowly think that kyungsoo and him were becoming something more.

the soft smile on his lips didn't disappear after his breakfast and he was certain it wouldn't disappear the whole day now.

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