Pt. 30

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"who was that guy at your table?" baekhyun spoke up as the two made their way slowly down the street; he wasn't sure on where kyungsoo was headed.

"why are you so curious?" kyungsoo replied, drawing on the baekhyun's cigarette that the two were currently sharing, tapping the ash of the end before handing it back to the latter, "are you jealous?"

baekhyun scoffed in response, "not at all." he couldn't even look at the male because he knew it wasn't true at all. his eyes focused on the street ahead of them instead.

"you're lying." kyungsoo chuckled, speaking up before baekhyun could protest again, "you don't need to worry, it was a job interview and i'm guessing i've not got the job after what i did."

"i'm not surprised, you could barely keep your hands off me," baekhyun smirked, "i know i'm attractive kyungsoo, but you should really learn how to control yourself in public."

"god, you're so narcissistic." kyungsoo muttered.

baekhyun hummed, "just truthful." he replied, drawing back on the cigarette, his lips lingering on the tip where kyungsoo once touched; where kyungsoo's own plump lips touched.

"why waiting tables all of a sudden? what happened to forensics? i thought you were gonna become some break through detective." kyungsoo spoke, his brown eyes lingering on baekhyun's slim face.

baekhyun didn't reply at first, he flicked the cigarette out his hand, his eyes glued on the pavement below them. "you wanted me to be honest to you all those months ago, right?" baekhyun questioned as he stopped walking turning to face the small male, "you wanted me to tell the truth to you, yes?"

"yes." kyungsoo's voice was quiet; hesitant. he didn't know what baekhyun was trying to say right now. he stopped in front of the latter as well, their brown eyes locked together after so many months apart. he wasn't quite sure on what the male was going to say.

"i can't stop thinking about you." baekhyun spoke up, his voice soft yet serious, "i think about you all the time. i think about you when i wake up in the morning, i think about what you're wearing, what you're doing, who you're doing it with, if you think about me too. if you ever think about what we went through together or if you just push aside like we're currently doing right now?"

kyungsoo's face softened as he looked away from baekhyun's fierce stare, "what do you want me to say right now?" he let out a deep sigh, folding his arms defensively.

"the truth." baekhyun muttered a reply.

"i do think about you, more than i want to sometimes, more than i'd like." kyungsoo's voice was quiet, not wanting to admit it or give baekhyun what he knew he wanted; the satisfaction of knowing he still had an impact on him, that no matter how hard kyungsoo tried baekhyun was always in the corner of his mind.

"good." baekhyun replied, turning on his heel and continuing down the street.

kyungsoo stood frozen for a second before quickly catching up to him, "good? is that all?"

"yes." baekhyun answered with a grin; liking the current attention kyungsoo was giving him. he also liked the fact that after all these months kyungsoo was still thinking about him, "what were you expecting?"

baekhyun grinned grew wider when kyungsoo didn't reply, "a kiss?" he teased, "i'm not that easy anymore, kyungsoo." he smirked as he remembered how something as simple as a quick peck from kyungsoo could render him speechless; frozen. he would like to think he would be different about the male's affection right now but he wasn't so certain.

his thoughts soon stopped as he pulled out his car keys once he spotted the familiar car parked at the side of the road.

"you've changed." kyungsoo spoke up, catching baekhyun's attention.

"how so?" baekhyun questioned as he turned on his feet, excitement filling his stomach as he waited on what kyungsoo was going to say. what was kyungsoo going to say? that he was better? that he liked him more?

"you're even more of an asshole."

baekhyun stood frozen for a second as kyungsoo's words sunk in before, a small wave of disappointment spreading over him. he quickly shook his head with a distasteful chuckle as he opened his car door. he found it funny nonetheless, it just bitterly stabbed at his heart a little.

his laughter slowly died down as he turned to the small male, "get in."


baekhyun motioned to the open car door, "i'm not gonna make you walk home by yourself."

kyungsoo knew he shouldn't. he had spent so long trying to get over baekhyun, to finally stop thinking about everything that happened with the male. he knew deep down if he stepped one foot in that vehicle, history would repeat itself; and he would be too oblivious and engrossed in baekhyun to even notice things were wrong again.

he was scared for it to happen again; to never notice the warning signs, to notice how baekhyun stumbled so perfectly into his life he didn't second guess it.

especially like what he was doing right now.

"c'mon soo, i don't bite."

baekhyun's persuasive voice convinced him slightly. kyungsoo nibbled on his bottom lip as he stared at the open car door, his mind was screaming no; not to do this again but looking at baekhyun didn't help him one bit.

he felt his heart rise in his chest at just the sight of him; just knowing that he was okay after all those months away from each other.

and he couldn't say no when he met those deep brown eyes. those eyes that could never fail to look at him with same amount of warmth that they did so long ago. the eyes that held just the right amount of sparkle and glimmer to make his stomach churn in the just the right way; it made him forget what baekhyun was actually like, it made him forget the terrible things he's done.

"okay." kyungsoo let out a deep breath, slowly stepping forward to the open car door, giving baekhyun's satisfied smile one last glance.

he hated how he caused that. that he let baekhyun get what he wanted in the end but he couldn't help it.

he pinched the bridge of his nose with a frustrated sigh, "what the fuck are you doing, kyungsoo?" he verbally scolded himself, his eyes glued on the rear view mirror as he watched baekhyun make his way to the other side of the car.

all he could think that he was an idiot for getting himself stuck with the male once again.

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