Pt. 31

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the car ride was surprisingly quiet after their sudden encounter with one another; which wasn't exactly the calmest of occurrences. baekhyun's heart was currently beating rapidly in his chest, he felt like pinching himself because it felt like he was dreaming but he knew kyungsoo would notice.


he was sat right next to him. never in a million years did baekhyun think he'd ever see the male again, let alone have him inside his car with him. it was surreal. he bit his lip to hide the growing grin on his face.

he gripped on to the steering wheel so tightly that his knuckles turned white but he had to do something to calm himself down; something to show kyungsoo that he had in fact changed, even though deep down he wasn't so sure if he actually had.

"where is it you stay again?" baekhyun spoke up, still unsure where he was headed. he warned himself that he wouldn't do anything with the knowledge of where kyungsoo currently stayed. he had to better than this, than what he was.

"just a couple more streets down and then a right." kyungsoo took a deep breath, the familiar smell of baekhyun entering his airways along with the small hint of tobacco.

it clouded his mind with warmth more than anything, the smell of a certain male was linked to happy memories; like being cuddled up in the late hours of the evening or quick morning kisses at sunrise.

kyungsoo softly turned his head away from the male to try and distract his relentless mind that kept bringing up conflicting memories over a certain male, he tried his best to focus on the passing buildings but it didn't really help.

"where do you stay now?" kyungsoo spoke up, bringing his attention back to the male behind the steering wheel.

"a shittier apartment," baekhyun mumbled a reply, sparing an eager glance to kyungsoo before averting his eyes back to the road, "why do you care all a sudden? are you going to pay me a visit anytime soon?" he chuckled.

"i didn't mean it like that." kyungsoo replied quietly as he folded his arms.

"then what did you mean it like?" baekhyun questioned with a curious grin, sparing a few glances at the male beside him now and then.

"it was just a conversation starter, not everything has to have a meaning." kyungsoo sighed lightly.

baekhyun let out a disappointed hum as his fingers drummed against the steering wheel harshly, "you're so cold towards me now, why?"

"why? you're really wondering why?" kyungsoo scoffed as his eyes grew wider in surprise, he turned to look at baekhyun, but the male's face was focused on the traffic ahead of them, his jaw clenched shut. "i think you're forgetting that i know you murdered someone."

"god," baekhyun scoffed as he rolled his eyes, "you're really never gonna let me live that one down."

"i hate it when you do this, when you act like you don't care!" kyungsoo suddenly snapped.

"well, you don't fucking care either, kyungsoo!" baekhyun yelled back louder, the veins prominent in his neck as he spat out his angered words, not daring to look at kyungsoo for one second, "if you cared so fucking much about jongin you wouldn't be in this damn car with me, now would you?"

"it's just a free ride—"

baekhyun slammed on the brakes despite being in the middle of the road, he turned to kyungsoo, grabbing a hold of his wrist and pulling him forwards, "it's more than just a free ride and i know deep down in that stubborn mind of yours, you're thinking the exact same."

"baekhyun, the road—" kyungsoo spoke up, trying to pry his wrist from baekhyun's grip but the male just held on tighter.

"i don't give a shit about the road or anything else for that matter, i just want you to stop lying to me to make yourself look better." baekhyun brows were furrowed, his eyes dark and fierce, "you know deep down that we're the same, you just don't want to admit it."

the sudden horn from the car behind them snapped baekhyun out of his angered state, his grip loosened on kyungsoo's wrist as he turned backed to the steering wheel. the car soon moving once again as baekhyun cleared his throat to try and relieve the bitter tension in the atmosphere but it only made the sudden silence more awkward between them.

"how are we the same?" kyungsoo spoke up, his voice croaky.

baekhyun chuckled, he didn't need to even think about the answer but he kept kyungsoo waiting, he wondered if the male was getting annoyed at him right now; if he was getting impatient as baekhyun didn't speak.

baekhyun smiled as he eyed up kyungsoo before looking back at the road, "we're both obsessed with each other, only i can admit it, you can't."

"i'm not obsessed with you." kyungsoo mumbled.

baekhyun only laughed, "really? then why do you think of me? why are you even here?"

"because i was worried about you, okay? that's it," kyungsoo sighed, "i was worried about your stab wound."

"aw, i'm very flattered, kyungsoo" baekhyun cooed, "but i know that's not all of it."

kyungsoo didn't reply, instead his eyes focused on the street they were in, "we're here."

baekhyun eventually pulled the car to the side of the road, looking around the houses on the street wondering which one kyungsoo stayed in. they were bigger than the small bungalow the male was in before, some even had a second floor. baekhyun wondered how he had the money for it.

"this was nice," baekhyun smiled as he looked at the male beside him, "maybe we should do this again sometime."

"i don't think so." kyungsoo replied as he got out the car, closing the door behind him and making his way to the street, standing outside one of the houses, his eyes glued on the car that wasn't budging. "are you going to leave?"

baekhyun leaned out the open car window, "i don't think so." he mocked kyungsoo, "i need to make sure you get inside okay, can't leave you waiting outside."

baekhyun let out a long sigh once kyungsoo didn't move a muscle, "you don't trust me, do you? i'm not going to do anything."

a lie

baekhyun knew fine well it was one.

he eyed up kyungsoo's unamused expression, "fine, you know what? i'll go, it was nice seeing you." he said before rolling up the window, the car turning out the street.

baekhyun didn't know where he was going, he drove further down the street the determined thought invading his mind; it was all he could think about. he had to know where kyungsoo lived now, it was itching at him, he needed to know. he promised himself he wouldn't do anything but he didn't believe it that much anymore.

once the car was out of sight from kyungsoo, he turned it back around, parking it a spot that was hidden at the corner of the street.

he watched the male carefully, a small chuckle leaving his lips, when kyungsoo crossed the street, entering the house across from him. he tried to trick him but baekhyun knew better.

and now he knew where the dearly missed male lived.

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