pt. 17

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that night baekhyun had mustered up some excuse to justify his lashout and now all he had to do was present it with the upmost care and believability; that was one thing baekhyun was good at, making people believe him.

believable smiles, believable tears.

he never did mind it though, it got him what he wanted in life, it got him where he was now, it got him kyungsoo. and he knew he could pull it off again.

and he was certain the bouquet of vividly coloured chrysanthemums would do the trick.

he dusted his shirt in the mirror, running his fingers through his hair to adjust the one strand that was out of place. everything had to be perfect. he couldn't mess up again.

he made his way outside, down to the all familiar bookstore; it was becoming like a second home, mostly because it was so associated with kyungsoo.

his heart began to speed up as he reached the door, finally after these longing days he'd be with kyungsoo. it wouldn't be like when he saw him last night because kyungsoo would acknowledge him in return; kyungsoo would give him his attention.

those big brown eyes and plump lips, his thick brows and dark hair.

the door opened with the familiar ding of the bell indicating a new customer, the familiar smell of dusty shelves and fresh leather books.

but baekhyun froze, his face immediately forming an expression of disgust and confusion, his eyebrows furrowed and lips turned down in a frown at the bookstore employee.

most importantly, the bookstore employee that wasn't kyungsoo.

baekhyun stepped forward, his movements harsh as he reached the counter.

"who the fuck are you?" baekhyun spat, he couldn't help it, he felt as though it was justified especially since he got his hopes up at the thought of kyungsoo.

the unfamiliar bookstore employee stood shocked for a second, his eyebrows furrowing, "maybe if you took the time to check my name tag instead of spitting at me, you'd get your answer."

baekhyun pursed his lips, he'd already made his mind up about this male, he didn't like his attitude one bit. his eyes drifted to his name tag, jongdae.

"where is kyungsoo?"

"i don't know, at his house?" jongdae's voice was uncertain as he looked the male in front of him up and down, his eyes lingering on the bouquet of flowers, "it's his day off anyways."

baekhyun didn't recall kyungsoo having a day off, "when was that a thing?"

"i don't know, since i started," jongdae sighed, "can i actually help you with something?"

"no, no," baekhyun gritted his teeth, this didn't go to plan. it was supposed to be him entering the bookstore, kyungsoo's face lighting up as soon as he spotted the chrysanthemums in his hand, but no, this stranger had to be here, "it's fine."

baekhyun turned on his heel, brushing his free hand in his hair as he exhaled a grunt of annoyance, making his way to the door.

he wasn't going to turn back to his apartment, he dressed up nice and put the effort in; he guessed it was time to finally show up to kyungsoo's house.

for real this time, with kyungsoo inviting him in. he didn't know why but it left him with a grin on his face at the thought, kyungsoo inviting him to his house... it seemed wonderful.


baekhyun took an anticipating breath, muttering a quick good luck to himself as he knocked on the door firmly.

it didn't take long for the sound of the door unlocking and then swinging open, revealing his one and only. it took a lot of strength to keep his knees from wobbling. this feeling was all too overwhelming, especially after two days without kyungsoo.


"baekhyun?" kyungsoo's brows were furrowed, the hint of confusion eminent in his deep voice, "what are you doing here? how did you even—"

"jongdae told me." baekhyun was rather proud of the quick lie he mustered up.

"oh, the new guy? i didn't know he knew where i stayed," kyungsoo mumbled, "he must've seen my work file."

baekhyun nodded slowly. it's not like kyungsoo would know how baekhyun found out where he stayed and baekhyun was thankful for that. he took a deep sigh as he clutched the bouquet of flowers.

"look, i'm not gonna cut corners here, i'm truly sorry," he wasn't entirely because he knew the real reason to why he got so angry, to him, it was all justified in the end, "about how reacted about the laptop, i had a paper due that day and i was in full panic mood because of not being able to find it."

baekhyun's blabbering slowly stopped at kyungsoo's expression, not quite sure what the twinkle in his eyes were.

"what i'm trying to say is, that i shouldn't of blamed you or lashed out on you, i'm sorry." baekhyun pursed his lips gently, his heart melting in his chest at kyungsoo's small smile, "oh, also, these are for you." he said as he extended out his hand with the flowers in them.

"baekhyun," kyungsoo sighed, "you shouldn't have."

but he still reluctantly took the bouquet of flowers in his hands, baekhyun smiled at that.

"do you forgive me?" baekhyun asked, his eyes frantically scanning kyungsoo's face for the small spark of honesty when he answered.


baekhyun felt his heart rise with relief, his lips curling slightly. he didn't want to look too over the moon, he knew he just had to be normal; just like he had been until he lashed out.

"do you wanna come in?" kyungsoo questioned.

"are you sure? i don't want to—"

"don't flatter yourself." kyungsoo rolled his eyes, yet baekhyun knew it was all lighthearted in the end especially since it was that adoring smile curling the male's plump lips.

baekhyun soon followed kyungsoo inside, it was so much different this time, kyungsoo invited him inside, kyungsoo knew that he was here, kyungsoo wanted him here.

baekhyun was trying his best to remain calm on the outside but his brain was a pile of mush, he guessed it was worth the wait; those agonising two days were all worth it in the end.

because he was here with kyungsoo, in his house, where it felt like he was just meant to be.

his train of thought quickly halted at the deep voice that made him melt anymore, "coffee?"

baekhyun nodded with a small smile, fighting the urge to keep it small because his heart was currently leaping in his chest.

things were finally normal again between them.

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