pt. 11

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baekhyun body felt heavy with disappointment when kyungsoo announced his departure.

he walked him to the door, a part of him not wanting to remind him about his scarf but kyungsoo picked it up anyway.

he just wanted a piece of him for when he wasn't there.

"thanks for tonight." kyungsoo smiled.

baekhyun nodded, "no problem," he forced a smile, but he didn't want kyungsoo to go.

"will you be okay getting home?" baekhyun asked, a hint of hopefulness that kyungsoo would need him to walk him home.

"i'll be fine," kyungsoo nodded his head, "see you soon." he waved as baekhyun hesitantly shut the door behind him.

he was bathed in the silence of his apartment. he didn't mind it before, silence was a thing he rather enjoyed. it was his own space between obsessions, his own place to let his guard down.

but baekhyun was itching for the deep voice again, aching to see those brown eyes shimmer as he spoke, yearning to see those full lips move with each word that left his mouth.

baekhyun wanted kyungsoo.

he made his way to the dinner table, the plates that had the pasta were in the kitchen to be washed, but there sat the leftovers of kyungsoo's cake.

baekhyun picked up kyungsoo's fork, he would've of been happy because he did have another piece of him, but it didn't feel like it. the fork then joined the glass kyungsoo drank out of and was stored in a cupboard.

the dark night sky made the apartment dull, there was a comforting feeling when kyungsoo was here but now it was gone, the traces of the male still left behind but it's wasn't enough for baekhyun. it didn't satisfy him.

he placed the plates in the sink. he'd clean them when he felt like it. but right now, he felt like sulking in his dark apartment until morning came, until he could interact with kyungsoo again.

this was always a hard part of obsessions.

the constant need for them. and the dinner with kyungsoo didn't help it one bit, it just made him want more.

he kicked off his trousers, throwing them to the other end of his room before throwing himself on his bed to stare blankly at the dull ceiling.

he was bored. so bored.

it wasn't fair.

getting so much attention from kyungsoo to suddenly go to nothing; to be left in his apartment like an abandoned dog.

that's what he felt like.

he rolled on his side, staring at the blank space, he took so much comfort in it last night, imagining kyungsoo there.

but now, he wanted him there, he needed him.

it just wasn't fair.


baekhyun eyes slowly opened to his alarm blaring. he has class today, but that wasn't on the agenda. it wasn't important anymore. nothing was important.

his back was now facing the empty spot beside him and he was okay with that, he didn't have to deal with the fact that kyungsoo wasn't there; where he was supposed to be.

he got up from bed, with a huff, making his way to the kitchen to sort out breakfast but the dishes that stared back from last night caused him to turn away.

this was bad, really bad.

kyungsoo was like an itch you couldn't get rid of.

like a first high baekhyun was trying to get again.

when the wanted male was near the need was gone, covered by the comfort of his presence but when he was gone. it got worse and worse. baekhyun was sure he was going mad.

he didn't bother with showering, he just grabbed the trousers from last night and his shoes and left. he had to get his fix of kyungsoo today. just one tiny bit of the small male to keep him sane.


kyungsoo was in the bookstore but baekhyun stopped in his tracks. he looked to be closing up.

baekhyun furrowed his brows, so soon?

he knew he shouldn't hang around too much, he didn't want to seem to clingy or needy, he didn't want to make the same mistakes with sehun but he couldn't help it.

it was too hard to not be clingy. because with each obsession he wanted more and more. it was like an addicting bar of chocolate, he just couldn't put it down.

he knew deep down this was bad for him, it was bad for the people involved but that's what made it exciting; rebellious. he enjoyed doing bad things. at this point, they didn't feel bad because he'd done it for so long.

he quickly made his way into the nearest doorway, keeping his head down as kyungsoo made his way by and he wasn't noticed.

he knew it shouldn't of hurt him so much especially when he meant for kyungsoo to not see him.

but he wasn't that unrecognisable, he was wearing what he wore yesterday, his night with kyungsoo. he decided not to dwell on it although it lingered within his mind as he followed the male.

kyungsoo soon made his way into the closest cafe, baekhyun could only guess this was his lunch break. baekhyun didn't follow him inside, in fact it seemed like he was quite friendly with the male behind the counter and kyungsoo turned to sit at the outside area.

baekhyun turned his back, crossing the street to the cafe just across the one kyungsoo was currently at and he took a seat outside.

a hint of jealousy left over in his stomach at that sight of kyungsoo giving smiles to other people.

baekhyun eyed up the cashier.

"are you ready to order?" a waitress made her way over with a notebook.

baekhyun turned his head to acknowledge her, he looked to the table beside him, "i'll have what they're having."

and with that she left, letting him have some peace.

he knew he shouldn't be getting so worked up over the cashier because he didn't have the energy to hide another body, jongin was enough.

besides kyungsoo was single, he'd made the pretty clear during their meal together.

baekhyun smirked to himself, why did kyungsoo mention it so often? it might of been once but it was enough for baekhyun. enough to tell him that kyungsoo wanted him too.

his head turned to a cup being placed beside him, it was an over-the-top hot chocolate with too much whipped cream and sprinkles. the sight of it made baekhyun almost gag.

he didn't bother thanking the waitress and turned his head back to kyungsoo.

letting out a content sigh as he watched him.

it was that feeling of comfort again, he wasn't yearning for him so badly anymore because kyungsoo was right there, right there in front of him.

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