pt. 3

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baekhyun was at the gym the next morning, checking jongin's schedule. checking for a time he could get to him without many people around.

jongin has a dance class on at 7pm.

now all he had to do was wait, wait to get the chance to break them apart, to have kyungsoo all to himself.

there was a rush to that, a spark of excitement, he was doing what he pleased to their lives and he enjoyed that. he was shaping kyungsoo to be his.

it was a plan set in stone and baekhyun's mind was nothing but determined.


baekhyun stared back at himself in the mirror, looking at the bruise he constructed on his face from his favourite palette of eyeshadow.

he unbuttoned his shirt at the top slightly, making sure it looked tugged at. making sure he looked violated.

he began to mess with his facial expressions, putting on his most frightened face, his eyes flickering with fear even to the extent of some tears to form, his bottom lip quivered as he took in shaky breaths.


his face fell back to his neutral expression, dull eyes and still lips.

it looked believable enough for baekhyun. he soon made his way out of his apartment, his walk was fast as he made his way to the gym, the excitement started to burn in his veins.

he waited in the alleyway beside the gym, his eyes scanning each person who left the building, they weren't the male he wanted.

then there he was, typing on his phone outside the gym before making his way past the alleyway.

baekhyun stumbled out, grabbing onto the male's shoulder to startle him, "p—please, you have to help me." baekhyun words were shaken as he spoke.

baekhyun let the tears build up in his eyes as they scanned the street frantically.

jongin was lost for words, he could tell how shaken up the small male was and the bruise on his face was unmissable, "uh, what's wrong?" he asked, his brows furrowed with concern.

"a man is following me." baekhyun replied, his grip on the male's shoulder moving to his arm.

"oh god, okay," jongin let out a breath, he honestly didn't know how he was supposed to help, "do you have someone you can call?"

baekhyun shook his head, letting out a choked sob, he was pretty sure he'd mastered his fake sobbing by now, "can you walk me home, please?"

baekhyun watched jongin hesitate, how could he say no to his tear stained face? he fought the urge to let out a frustrated huff. baekhyun whipped his head around, trying to look as distraught as possible, "please, i'm really scared."

"okay," jongin reluctantly gave in, he couldn't say no to the small male, what if it was kyungsoo? "where do you stay?"

"j—just down the street." baekhyun forced a weak smile, although his lips still quivered.

he didn't actually know what he was going to do with jongin, but the sight of him right now irritated him, he'd decide what to do when the time came.

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