Chapter 2: Dear Damon Salvatore

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It was just a matter of pride. That's all it was. I was walking back to my car, in the rain, because of my stupid pride. Lily had gone with her boyfriend and Greta had offered me a ride, even though I knew she had a doctor's appointment, and I kindly declined. Now I was, once again, soaking wet.

I think I was actually doing okay...Until a Ferrari pulled up to where I was walking on the side of the road. I glanced over. Just a glance. I wasn't so bad off. The rain was cooling me off. But then, when the drops of water hit my skin, I swear it sizzled.

The door to the Ferrari was opened, with Damon demanding, "Get in."

I stifled the urge to run. "No," I kept walking.

Damon followed me, the door to his car still open. I hope there's so much rainwater in there right now...

"C'mon you're soaked," Damon argued.

"Thanks, I hadn't realized that."

The car suddenly was pulled right in front of me and I had just enough time to react and stop before my feet would have gone underneath the tires.

Furious, I glared at Damon with pure hatred as he got out of the car towards me. "Jeeze, way to win a girl over! Just stop the damn car wherever you please--hey, let go of me!"

Damon had lifted me by my waist with ease, depositing me in the passenger's seat of the Ferrari. "Satisfied?"

I started to get out, but he slammed the door shut. I was going to get out as soon as he left the door but, by the time I blinked, he was beside me in the driver's seat.

"How did you...?"

He gave me a wolfish smirk as he put the Ferrari in drive. I clutched the side of the door nervously. "Slow down--damnit!" He almost collided with another car. "Damon!"

"What?" he looked at me as he talked, still driving like a maniac. "I know what I'm doing."

"Uh, right--eyes on the road!" I was going to piss my pants. "I'm getting out of this car."

Damon laughed mockingly. "No, you're not."

"Yes, I am! You are crazy!"

"Thanks for the compliment," Damon chuckled.

He really was crazy. Even though I didn't know him, I somehow knew he was insane. Besides, I had never been this verbal in God knows how long!

"Tell you what," Damon started. "You tell me your name and I'll send you on your merry way. Deal?"

I stared at him, mouth hung open dumbly. "Are. You. Serious? All this idiocy for my freaking name?!"

Again, Damon gave me a wolfish smirk. "You got it."

"OH!" I slammed on the invisible brake just as a car pulled in front of us. And I would do anything to get out of this crazy person's car. "OKAY, OKAY! MY NAME IS ELIZABETH, NOW STOP THE CAR!"

"Elizabeth what?"


Damon sped up.

"Jesus Christ, what is your problem!" I screamed. If I gave him my last name, he would hunt me down till the ends of the earth. I just knew, somehow. "Ashwern! Elizabeth Ashwern!"

The car stopped abruptly and I was severely thankful that I had my seatbelt on. I was panting heavily, staring ahead at our phantom accident. I think I had pissed my pants. Good. I hope the stain in his seat will never go away and let it stink something awful.

"Thank you for all your cooperation," Damon said with mock pleasantness. "Sure you don't need a ride anywhere?"

I undid the seatbelt with haste. "Nope," I thrust the door open, slamming it hard enough to break all the windows.

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