Tryin' our hand at ranchin'

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Words to know:
Ruddy- (of a person's face) having a healthy red color.

Arthur smiled to himself, laying down the hammer and box of nails he carried, he stepped back to look at what he had built. It was a decent sized ranch home, located just outside of strawberry.
He built it for the two of you, more for you, but built it nonetheless. Feeling a chill of wind, he looked at the sky before going inside, it was cloudy and cold.

Arthur quietly walked in, hearing the door latch behind him. He carefully kicked off his boots, letting out a relieved sigh. Silently, he tip toed towards the kitchen, leaning on the frame, he smiled to himself, finally catching you humming to yourself. Arthur crept up behind you and wrapped his arms around your middle, earning a surprised "Arthur!" Out of you.
"What smells so good?" Arthur asked, his warm breath brushing the back of your neck.
"It's your favorite" you said smiling, his hands still wrapped around your waste gently. "Steak, half to well done".
Taking the steak out, you turned around and gave him a peck on the chin, Arthur hummed in response.

You sat down at the table where he was already waiting.
Arthur leaned back in his chair "so you know them neighbors just inside of strawberry?" He asked as he took a mouthful of his food.
"Yeah? What about em?" You also took a bite.
"Well I heard their dogs had puppies and well.."
You cut him off, "Arthur do you want the dog?"
"Alright.. but yer house training it" you shook your head and took another bite of food.
"Really?" Arthur smiled slightly, his mouth full.
"Yes you goof, now help me with these dishes will ya?" You elbowed him playfully.

Arthur put the last plate into the sink and huffed himself heavily against the cabinet.
"Y/N look!" He pointed out the window where you were washing dishes.
You looked up and your eyes widened. It was snowing, the first snow of the year.
"No way!" You jumped in joy.
Arthur chuckled at your excitement.
"Yer gonna wear the hat and scarf I made you right?!"
"Course darlin'" Arthur chuckled.
"Ohhh yer gonna look so cute all bundled up!" You said giggling.
"Did ya... did you just.. call me cute?" Arthur's face was ruddy.
You simply smiled and nodded. "You are, yer very cute and don't you say otherwise" you ruffled his already messy hair.

-About an hour later-

Arthur yawned, "so tomorrow can we-.." He gave you a begging side glance.
"Yes Arthur, we can get your dog tomorrow" you smiled as he tugged you closer to him before falling asleep, you soon following.

First imagine of this book!! How did you like it? Comments are greatly appreciated... if you would like a part two of Arthur receiving his dog them lemme know!! :D

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