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Thanks for helping me today

It's fine

And sorry for blowing up on you in the cafeteria

I deserved it

You did
I hope you don't dislike people like me still

I still do


I don't dislike you though

Are we friends ;)


But you said you don't dislike me

I never said we were friends

What are we then

Why do you always leave me on read 😔 do I have to carry this whole friendship on my back

Renjun added Yunhee back to
'Support Jaehee club'

I mean the name
You're all so annoying

Renjun: well
It's an improvement from Jaemin hate club

Chenle: are you okay Noona??

Jisung: we heard you got stitches and crutches

Yeah I'm all good my bbys

Jeno: we also heard something else ;)

Donghyuck: :)


Donghyuck: *one image attached*

Okay you're about to catch these hands

Donghyuck: listen Yunhee
I'm sorry for what I said, I really missed u :(
My best friend
If you want to be friends w Jaemin you can
If you like him
I will try to like him too...no promises tho

"Can you pick me up please, I kind of have crutches

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"Can you pick me up please, I kind of have crutches..." Yunhee trailed off on the phone to Donghyuck, looking down at her bandaged ankle.
"Why? Can you ask the others."
"They said no also." Donghyuck smirked through the phone.

Yunhee's jaw dropped.
"Donghyuck I'm being serious-"
"Ask Jaemin." And with that he hung up, Yunhee gawked at the tone going dead and she mentally cursed at her friends.

"Dad!" She shouted out, hoping for a ride. There was no response and she sighed. Yunhee began walking with her crutches to the front door- preparing herself to walk. Yet once she exited her house, she was shocked to see Jaemin leaning against his motorcycle once more.

"Yes Darling?" Her Father asked, walking down the stairs. Yunhee still dazed, close the door and leant her back against it.
"Nothing." She said quickly, smiling forcefully. Her Father gave her a unconvincing look and asked her if she wanted a ride to school.

"No it's okay! My friend is picking me up." She said vaguely, laughing it off slightly and waiting for her Father to walk away. She sighed heavily and opened the front door when he was out of sight.

Jaemin was now sitting on top of the Motorcycle, helmet on. Yunhee hobbled over to him on the motorcycle and he offered her a hand. She took it with flushed cheeks and situated herself behind him.
Yunhee made sure her crutches weren't going to go flying off the motorcycle as she sat down.

Jaemin tilted his head to the side slightly, making sure she was putting on her helmet. His eyes caught sight of movement at the window of her house.
Jaemin had made eye contact with Yunhee's father- his face falling when he saw his daughter on the back of a motorcycle.

"Are we going?" Yunhee said from behind him, placing her arms around his waist as a sign of readiness. Jaemin averted his eyes from the window and down at her- nodding and revving up the engine.
He took one last look at the window, sending a slight nod in the direction of her Father- unknown to Yunhee- before setting off.

"Taeyong." Yunhee's Father said, snapping his fingers. The male bowed and stood in front of his elder.
"Find out about that kid on the bike and make sure you find everything out."

Taeyong nodded and walked away, muttering something in his earpiece as he put on his jacket and left the house with his keys in hand.

Taeyong nodded and walked away, muttering something in his earpiece as he put on his jacket and left the house with his keys in hand

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