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Ty's POV
It's about 10:30 am Sunday morning and me and Aj up watching DK4L. I'm so happy for them. About time Ken proposed.
Me: bae i wanna make a YouTube channel with you.
Aj: im down
Me: im so serious bae
Aj: i said im down bae
Me: a little more enthusiasm 🙄
Aj: OMG BAE YES YES YES ! happy ?
Me: let's go to the store!
Aj: ite lets go
We put some clothes on and walked out the house. I texted my mom and told her where we were going. We drove to bestbuy and got a Canon G7X and a new MacBookPro. We also got a tripod and ring light. I guess that's all we need to become youtubers. We drove to Zaxby's to get some food because we were doing a Q/A and mukbang. We ordered a 20 piece wing and 2 large fries. We got our food and went back home. It was about 1:00 pm when we made it back home. We set up in the living room and put our food on the table. We sat down and started recording.
Me: WHATS UP GUYS! This is our first video so bare with us because we don't know what we're doing.
Aj: but on a serious note make sure y'all like and subscribe for more content and don't forget to comment what y'all want to see from us next.
Me: first question, how old are we? I'm 14 about to turn 15 next week.
Aj: I just turned 16 yesterday. Next question did we meet ?
Me: were gonna make that another story so make sure y'all stay tuned ! Next question is...what made us want to make a YouTube channel?
Aj: so bae loves DK4L and this morning she was just like...bae i wanna start a YouTube channel so I'm like okay and she like like okay so we went and got all the stuff and now we gotta YouTube channel !
Me: what she said...
We did the rest of the video. Aj edited it cause I didn't know half of what I was doing. We needed to come up with a name and so many came though my head. Aj&Ty's World, A&T4L, and A&TArmy were the top ones in my mind. The one we decided to pick was A&TArmy. I liked it and so did Aj. We made the channel and posted the first video.
*1 week later*
It's been a total of one week and we hit 5k subscribers today ! It's amazing how many people rocking with us ! It's amazing how much love we're getting just from one video. Today I'm going to see what I'm having and tomorrow is my birthday! I'm excited for both but probably more excited to see what I'm having. My mom and Tony went on a date yesterday and it went good as she says. I know he likes her and she likes him too. She's probably just hesitant about getting into another relationship. I probably would be too. Me, Aj, and Ma got inside the car and drove towards the hospital. We made it there and went inside. We signed in and sat in the lobby. They called us to the back and we went. I sat on the table and waited for the nurse to come. She came in about 5 minutes and spoke.
Nurse: hey everyone! I'm nurse Chandler and I'll be your nurse for today !
Us: hi
Nurse: How are you today love ?
Me: I'm good !
Nurse: what do you want or hoping for ?
Me: a boy !
Nurse: we'll just have to see
She put the cold jelly stuff on my stomach and cut the lights off. She put the little thing on my stomach and started moving it around.
Nurse: you seeing what I'm seeing ?
Me: two heads ?
Nurse: yep looks like you're having twins !
Us: twins !
Nurse: congrats love !
Me: what am I gonna do with twins!
Nurse: you're going to get through it babes, God doesn't make mistakes.
Me: thanks is just unexpected that's all.
Aj: you have us and you know we'll help you through it !
Ma: right !
Nurse: and you'll always have me too ! do you want to know the genders ?
Me: umm i guess s-
Aj: no she's going to have a gender reveal
Me: i am ?
Aj: yep cause I'm planning it !
Ma: me too so no we don't want to know
Nurse: alrighty then. you're all done then babes. Good luck hun because you're going to need it !
Me: thanks i guess
We left and went to Walmart. We got some healthy foods because junk food is unhealthy. It's going to be challenging but it's going to be worth it.
Aj: what about these veggie chips ?
Me: do it look like I want some veggie chips?
Aj: well what you want then ?
Me: McDonald's!
Aj: that's unhealthy bae you can't eat that !
Me: but it's soo good !
Aj: whatever you getting these chips
She put them in the buggie along with a 12 pack of vanilla shakes. I feel like an old women. We got all of our stuff and drove home. We got all the stuff out the car and went inside the house. Aj put everything in the refrigerator and cabinets while I went to my room. I laid on my bed and got under the cover. I'm overwhelmed on what's going on in my life. So much has happened to me. I just gotta learn how to cope with it. I was dozing off until I felt a warm body lay under with me.
Aj: you good bae?
Me: yeah just a little overwhelmed
Aj: bae we gonna get through this, i gotchu and you already know that
Me: i know I'm just scared..i never had a baby before..i heard they're expensive
Aj: you have nothing to worry about know money isn't a're going to be the best mommy in the world! imma need you to stop worrying and enjoy this pregnancy!
Me: you're right ! i love you so much Aj you dont even know !
Aj: I love you too baby!
Me: so about school...i was thinking doing online school?
Aj: okay, that's a great idea and I'll do it with you !
Me: no baby, you don't have to...
Aj: no I want to...whatever you need I'm willing to take a chance !
Me: I love you so much baby!
Aj: I love you too! now get some rest and I'm going to see my dad and Kelly..i should be back around 8:00 pm?
Me: okay tell them I said hi
Aj: okay baby i will
Me: bye baby and be safe
Aj: okay I will
She walked out the door and I went to sleep. Tomorrow is my birthday and I'm going to try my best to be happy. I don't really want to do anything but maybe go baby shopping. I know it's kinda early but I want to be prepared. Let's just see what tomorrow brings...

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