Ch. 6

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It's just a game
It's just a game
It's just a game
It's just a game.

That's all it is. It's just a game.

Matt, Edd, Tom and Tord were all eating breakfast at the table.

It would be a usual morning. Edd would have to get to work by 9:00, Matt would stare at himself in the mirror for approximately an hour and then go to his day job at a cafè, while Tom and Tord had their days off.

Edd checked the time on the wall every couple minutes so that he could leave at exactly 8:30. Just like a normal person, he didn't want to be late for his job, unlike Matt who stared into his own soul for an hour before going to work. Tord would sometimes think Matt was insane inside of his own head, but decided not to comment on it since it would probably destroy Matt's ego.

"I have to go now, see you guys at 3:00 'o clock." Edd said, breaking the tension between everyone at the table. Tord nodded while Tom continued to eat his breakfast. Matt frantically waved goodbye as Edd closed the door.

"I'm done." Tord pushed his untouched plate a bit further onto the table and headed to his room, closing the door behind him. Matt started at Tord's door for a couple seconds, before smiling again and walking to his room as well.

"Well I'm going to my room as well!" He responded, giggling and closing the door to his room. Tom sighed and shoved another piece of toast down his throat. He looked at Tord's untouched plate and sighed before walking to Tord's room and opening his door, which was surprisingly unlocked.

"Tord, you know you didn't eat any of your food." Tom muttered. Tord was sitting on a office chair on his computer. He spun around and looked at Tom for a second, locking their eyes like he was explaining everything before turning around again, clicking at the keys frantically. Tom stood there for a second, half expecting for Tord to turn back around and actually explain or to throw something at him. Tord continued to sit there on the chair, typing something and deleting everything he typed again, and again. Tom had absolutely no idea what he was doing, before Tord pulled up to another page and started to do something else on the tab, still clicking at the keys and jamming the 'backspace' button. A half exasperated sigh escaped through Tom's lips before he walked closer to Tord.

"What are you doing?" Tom asked, looking at the screen. Tord looked back at him with a strange look. It was like he was trying to say so many things with his expression, but Tom was just plain confused. Tord looked back at the screen, before he started frantically clicking and smashing the keys again with the tips of his fingers. The screen was fully black, but Tord was clearly doing something before. He would just move the mouse and click at the keys for a minute, then become angry for some reason and jam the delete button.

"Hello?" Tom waved his hand in front of Tord's face, but nothing. Tord continued to stare at Tom and then his computer, furiously clicking at the keys on the computer. He seemed to keep typing the same thing over and over because of the position of his fingers, but they were moving so quickly that Tom's wouldn't be able to tell what he was typing. It was like Tord was stuck in a loop of staring, typing, getting frustrated Tom wouldn't understand, and then breaking down and jamming the delete button.

"Okay, if you're trying to tell me something or prank me, just say it." Tom exasperatedly said, as Tord stared at Tom. He stared at him in the eyes for a second before continuing to jam the buttons on his keyboard. The more he pressed the buttons, the more Tom felt uncomfortable. Then, Tord stood up. He looked at Tom, and then curled his hands into a fist. His nails dug into the skin of his palm as he stared at the keyboard and began to furiously smash it with his knuckles. His mouth and expression made it seem like he was crying and laughing at the same time, but no words came out of his mouth. He was just repeatedly punching the keyboard, a raspy exhale forcing its way out of his throat every few moments.

The keyboard was destroyed. Keys were on the floor, while a large dent was in the middle. The mouse was on the floor. The only keys that were still in the board was the delete button, and the numbers 1, 8, 5, 6, and 0. Tom was in a moment of full shock for a couple seconds, before backing up into the wall in surprise. Tord turned around, his eyes wide and his mouth semi-open. Then, Tord started yelling. He started yelling, even though no sound was coming out of his mouth. His lips moved frantically like he was trying to say something, but only slight screeches came out of it. Tom was fully surprised, until Tord collapsed to the floor. He lay on the floor on a ball. Tom just stared at him, looking around the room at what he did. Keys were on the floor, followed by wires sticking out of the keyboard and a broken mouse. Tom could barely bring his lips to move and make out the word he needed to say.

"Tord?" Tom hoarsely asked, slowly walking closer to Tord on the floor. Tom poked the side of Tord's shoulder, part of him expecting Tord to get up and laugh it off like it was some sort of sick joke. Tord continued to stay silent, his leg or finger twitching every once in a while. Tom was about to call Matt for help, when suddenly Tord got up. Tord brushed himself off and looked at Tom, before smiling.

"Yeah Tom?" Tord asked in a regular voice, like he was oblivious to what had just happened.

"Wait... you know you..." Tom pointed to the mess on the floor, as Tord sharply turned his head to look at it. Tord looked back at Tom, before looking confused.

"What happened?" Tord asked. Tom was completely surprised, almost backing up again but realizing the wall was behind him.

"You don't remember doing this? The... computer thing? It's like you became a completely different person." Tom continued, giving a concerned but worried chuckle.

"I didn't do that." Tord quickly replied, staring at the mess.

"But... you did." Tom continued to say, as Tord walked closer to Tom. Tom didn't back up as Tord came closer, staring into Tom's eyes like it was a window to look at Tom's soul. He continued to stare at his soul for a bit before stopping.

"Don't compare me to a beast like that." Tord stared at the floor, before turning around and bending down onto the floor. Tord grabbed the pieces off the floor and swept them into his right hand, putting the excess keys into the trash alone with the broken keyboard. Staring at his computer, he slowly moved his left hand to the mouse and turned the computer on, deleting the previous tabs of random letters and sentences before using his left hand to turn the computer off again.

"Come on." Tord grabbed Tom's wrist with his left hand and dragged him out of the room, grabbing onto the door handle with his right hand and closing it. Tord let go of Tom's wrist and walked back into the kitchen, sweeping the food he didn't eat that was still on the counter into the garbage and putting the plate in the sink.

"That's enough of that, isn't it? Why don't we just go to your room and forget what just happened." Tord said, almost like he was insisting that they wouldn't have to bring it up again. Tom confusingly nodded and walked to his room with Tord following close behind him.

Tom continued to think about that time while he went to sleep later.

'Isn't Tord right handed?'

[??? POV]
I'm trapped.

I'm trapped.

I'm trapped.

I'm trapped.

I can only watch.

While every one of my moves are played out for me.

With my inside mind knowing that I can't escape.

I won't forget you... (Sequel to "Blame it on me")Where stories live. Discover now