Chapter 2.5 [Axis]

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"Can we please get a hybrid? I promise to take good care of it!" A bubbly Italian was trying to convince his roommates to get a pet hybrid. He tried his hardest to persuade them, but he always ended up sounding like a child begging for a new toy. But he was an adult not a child.

"Fericiano, didn't Rudwig-san tell us no? He said that they are expensive and hard to take care of. Prus, the requests you made for the type of hybrid you want is hard to find. A Neko with [Eye Color] eyes, [Hair Color] ears, tail and hair, and you want it to be a 'she'." Feliciano's roommate was named Kiku. The raven-haired boy was from Japan. Even though his English was practically perfect, he still had trouble with his 'L's'. 

"The features should show some difficurtry finding. But a Neko? They are among one of the hardest of arr hybrids to train. I do not think Rudwig-san would want to do it arr by himserf. You rack the abirity to punish."

After Kiku put his thoughts out there, Feliciano still wasn't backing down. He knew how to play Ludwig in certain areas. And he'll use his tactics later when Ludwig comes home later. Ludwig was a former soldier for the German army. The German was always against pets that weren't dogs.  And he was especially against owning a hybrid. Ludwig thought that they were too expensive and too annoying to deal with. Imagine everything that bothers you living in your own home. 

"Please Kiku! Having a Neko would be just like owning a cat, only bigger!" Feliciano pouted.

"Prease Fericiano, no." Kiku was sticking with his first answer. But what does Kiku like about hybrids? Why, the animalistic they have! Many animes have hybrids in them. Often either portraying them as cute little balls or feisty heroes or heroines. And Kiku loves anime. (He's practically obsessed...)

Feliciano's pout only got bigger. "I just thought that a Nek-hybrid would be like having a real-life anime character living in your house. Think about it, you could dress him or her up, teach them how to act like your favorite characters... This isn't about me only..." Feliciano started walking away with those words floating in Kiku's head.

Kiku slowly put down the book he was reading. He was contemplating on what Feliciano said. Finally, he gave in hesitantly. He lightly pinched the bridge on his nose before speaking.

"Fericiano, wait." Kiku sighed as the childish Italian turned around excitedly. "I'rr, be on your side. I wirr see if I can convice Rudwig to get one for you and me. But you better take care of it. It wirr not just be me and Rudwig!" Feliciano was trying his best not to smile too much.

"Grazie Kiku! I'm-a sure Ludwig will be here soon! He was hanging out with Vash, right? When he gets here, we'll both tell him why we should get a hybrid! And don't they show wealth? Ludwig would like to be seen as a man of power! After all, he is one of the CEO's at our company."


"Nein." Ludwig said no.

"Please Ludwig! It would be great for showing off the wealth our company has! Besides, you're the face of it, so it would be even better!" Feliciano knew that this was were he was or was not going to get his way. It was all up to Ludwig. And, boy, he was a tough critic.

"Think about it Rudwig-san. Having a hybrid could also be rike having both a maid and friend. And you don't have to pay it. Prus, Fericiano could have a friend, you could have a maid, and I could have my anime character. It's great for each us." Both Kiku and Feliciano were pressuring Ludwig for a hybrid. It wouldn't be long before he cracked.

Ludwig sighed again. "Jou both know that this is the third week in row that Feliciano has asked for a hybrid. And Kiku, he's got you caught up in this frenzy now too. Nein. No hybrid." He didn't crack. 

The other men in the room sighed. Kiku in a state of defeat and Feliciano in a state of sadness.

"Ludwig, I just wanted a new friend..." Feliciano whined with slight tears in his eyes, this time they were real. He walked out of the living room and then trudged quickly to his own room. Kiku sighed again. His eyes were looking at Ludwig, who was looking in the direction Feliciano went in.

"Rudwig. Fericiano has asked nonstop for a hybrid. Is it annoying? Hai. But did you think about why he would want one?" Ludwig continued to stare at the hallway. "No. You didn't. Fericiano wants a hybrid because he's been feering ronery ratery. He arso wants a cooking partner. Arr you do is make sausage when you cook. And I am sure he gets sick of my cooking. Prus, I arso want a hybrid too... For... My own purposes..." Kiku looked away in embarrassment. "Rudwig, wouldn't a hybrid do good for you too? I think you need to spend time with someone other than me, Fericiano and your brother."

The German was still looking at the hallway. "Kiku," he said. "Maybe jou're right." Ludwig looked to the floor before turning around slowly to face Kiku. "It would do good to have another face around here." He smiled a bit before making his expression stern again. "But I'm not taking care of it."

Kiku was filled with joy. "Arigatō, Rudwig! I wirr go get Fericiano now." Kiku then went to go knock on Feli's door. Ludwig sighed again. How many times has he and the other two living here done that today? Who knows. A smile found its way to his lips. And he was generally happy. But now there would be another mouth to feed.

Ludwig walked to the kitchen and pulled out the corded phone on the wall. He dialed the number of the hybrid pet store downtown and asked to speak to Vash. Vash was a very good Swiss hunter. But he came to [Country] to help with the hybrid industry. The catching part, to be exact. Ludwig already talked to him earlier and found out they caught new, wild hybrids today. One happening to be a cat hybrid known as a Neko. Isn't that what Feliciano kept asking for? He thought.

Feli loved cats. And a cat hybrid would be perfect for him. But what will the hybrid act like? After all, Vash did say it was wild. Some training would be all it takes for him or her to be acting how they want. Feliciano would get to pick how the hybrid acts. All Ludwig and Kiku needed to do was help train and teach the hybrid.

"Yeah, you can come over now. She's asleep. If you want to take her home today, come grab her now while she's still sleeping." It was the Swiss's voice on the other line.

"Danke, Vash." Ludwig hung up. Feli was back in the room again with Kiku following his trail. "Put some shoes on, ve're getting a Neko."

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